>> How can I put 2 tracks and 1 readme in 1 zip file?
This might work: select the three files in Explorer, right-click them and create the zip, using the context menu you see.
Or, make a zip, then drag and drop whatever extra files you want in it, onto it.
>> And how can I put 2 tracks in 1 pod? I've seen this with dragtracks, a race track and a freestyle track.
The easiest way would be to use <a href=http://www.viaregio.de/pieper/ target=op>OP's</a> "PodMate", a pod merging utility.
Download: <a href=http://mtm2.com/~malibu350/downloads/mtm2/utility/podmate202.zip>podmate202.zip</a> (from Malibu350's <a href=http://malibu350.com target=tnt>T-N-T</a> page)
Be sure to test the pod before releasing it. Another method would be to build the pod yourself using a pod making utility.