I've been kicking around an idea I had a long time ago - a total MTM2 make-over, using every modification and enhancement we can impliment. The select screens, garage, all the buttons - it'll all look different. The stock trucks would be replaced by more complex versions, and the tracks could also have enhancements, like lights for night driving.
A brand new program will be created to handle new pod 'packages' as well as user-defined exsisting addon pods. This would make it easy for players to have rumble sessions with no racetracks mounted, or racers to have no rumbles mounted. We could also take a poll/vote for which user-created addons would go into a third package of perhaps 10 of the most unique and exciting tracks. Also, there would be more graphic options such as a 'low vert' option which could replace the complex vehicles with low vert versions and maybe a small wheels option. Basically, this program would be used to alter not only the pod.ini but some of the system file flags as well, like the goofy truck horn, digital latency readout, etc.
Of course, all the fixes would be standard. And more improvements will be invented along the way. All the standard editing gear could also be included. An add-on packaging program could be included, which would create installation files for new add-on pods, which I think could become a standard. This would extract the pod/s, launch the readme txt, and launch the options program for mounting the pod. I think that automation would give editors the credit they deserve, and learning these new programs would give fidgitters like me something interesting to toy with. Either way, I plan on releasing all my new stuff with installation files. If anyone worries about a possible virus, I suggest Trend Micro Internet Security.
In the end, it'll all go into one download with a specially designed installation package which would back up all the necessary exsisting MTM2 files, create a Start Menu shortcut group with shorts for the game, editing gear, link to an MTM2.1 homepage, all the readme/instructions files, etc. and of course, and uninstall program. I'm thinking, that the back-up method could be something simple like renaming specific directories before unpacking the new replacements.
Sounds like a LOT of work. But if things go really well, the return of Ground Zero would draw a crowd of editors who could help in putting this project together. This would be my biggest 'baby' ever, but after seeing how well CNR did, I think I could do it. (Oh yeah - I forgot to mention the CNR package
Anyway - I'm kicking this idea around to see what kinda feedback and responses I get, and find out who might be interested in helping. I'll not be able to launch the project until I get this DakotaNights tr?ck package finished, and then start a website. At the moment, I'm skimming the Xara WebStyle help file, so very likely, it'll be within the week when it's finished. And then, I'll start the GZ thing and that launch could coincide with the launch of the MTM2.1 project team.
Is this ambitious enough for ya?? I've been drinking a lot of coffee lately. LOL
- Alpine