<center>Team SLO's Racing Lists</center>
APL </center>
Alternate Pods </center>
Jump-Cope </center>
Die Hard </center>
If there's anyone out there who either used to race and gave it up because they felt it was a thing of the past, or never tried MTM 2 racing because...well, just because, there's good news! First of all, MTM 2 racing is alive and well. No, it's not quite as robust as it was 3 to 4 years ago, which is to be expected, but it's still here, and it's still a heck of a whole lot of fun!
The purpose of this thread is to inform people that SLO has incorporated what we feel is a
logical &
efficient format for racing. We picked some of our favorite tracks and made specific track lists from our selections. They're consolidated into a single zip, as well as listed individually, as shown by the links above. Additionally, each list of tracks has an associated pod.ini file, which of course, dictates which tracks/trucks are loaded to the game).
Simply stated, to mount tracks for any of our 4 racing lists, all we do is install the appropriate pod.ini file, and wala - all the tracks for that list are mounted. There's no last minute downloading of tracks for those who don't have a specific 3 or 4 tracks everyone else in the room has. Furthermore, we've eliminated the time consuming and often frustrating hassle of clicking thru dozens of tracks in the game in an attempt to find one everyone has. With our 4 lists collectively we have 230 tracks in common, and let me tell ya, it's absolutely great. The only problem we have is trying to decide which list of tracks to run lol.
So...if you're interested in racing or you like to race, but feel it's a hassle (1.) finding people to race with, and (2.)finding a group of people to race with where you don't spend 30 minutes trying to come to terms on what tracks will be run, give our method a try. With our lists we feel there's something for everyone's taste, and thus far we've had no complaints. Well, we have heard feedback that the downloads are quite large, and they are, especially for dial-up users. However, consider this: if you're on dial-up and you love racing, but the idea of spending a full day (if you get all the lists) downloading kinda kills your motivation & desire to race, trust me when I say the payoff is worth it. Again, if you're a race fan looking for well structured, organized racing, we've got it for ya, and then some.
Pick a list that looks appealing to you then come out and run some tracks with us. If you like how it works and you enjoy yourself, heck go nuts and get the other lists too! There are quite a few people outside the team who have our racing lists. We definitely appreciate their participation, but more importantly, they seem to have a great time racing, which is the point of it all anyway.
If you have any questions either catch me online or drop me a
cope@mtm2.com via e-mail. If you don't get a reply within 5 hours of sending your e-mail, MTMG will send you a check for $1,000.00. Now I ask you, is that confidence or what?
<font size=1>
Edited by SLO_COPE (13-03-2003)</font>