I always did always have plans to review this as a matter of fact, and it looks like Mr. Rep Fan would appreciate a review of his first creation in a long time now.
As a fan of monster vans, this really is a sight for sore eyes

This really shows his skill with customs aswell as reps. The body has been very well built and looks just like a 70's Ford Econo IMO. The Hella lights on the front and the spot lights on the roof really make the truck (van) look cool and very 70's-80's. The paint detail is superb also, Rep fan is well known for painting everything on himself instead of copying and pasting from a photo. I also must say the colour really suits it.
It handles lovely, no skidding or too top heavy. Turn off reflections and truck reflections and you should be able to run it with default AI trucks.
The only problem I've found with it is the lights don't work, mind you the spotlights do have their covers on.
Overall, a brilliant return from Mr. Rep Fan, looking forward to seeing/reviewing more work from him.
http://mtm2.com/~trucks/trucks.cgi?s=19 ... +econoline