well, wnyone who knows me, knows I don't frequent too many message boards. I have only so much time, and most of it is spent in editing. If I try to keep up with all these seperate forum discussion rooms, I'll be typing all day! heheh
Ok, truck announcement: +Dakota Nights... my first van repaint, and I used a really nice body model, made by Betrayal88:
<img src="http://mtm2.com/~trucks/P2003/boogeyvan1994bybetrayal88.jpg">
In the end, this baby is gonna go thru a lot of changes. There'll be a low vert version, and the 'extreme' version. what's the vert limit that crashes MTM2? LOL
Anyway, here's a look at my baby, and her van... um... on her van.
<img src="http://www.iw.net/~alpine13/dakotanightsbeta3.jpg">
err... ingame:
<img src="http://www.iw.net/~alpine13/dakotanightsingame.jpg">