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 Post subject: Durango
PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 10:25 pm 
The Dog House
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I have a new track Im working, need help with check points. would like something bigger than CKBOXN but not as big as CKBOX, also welcome comments or suggestions. Wint said use the room more, so I will listen 2 the man, Thanks Charles

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 11:48 pm 
Glow Ball
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Wint is a wise feller. So is Malibu350, who said:


Object boxes make ideal CP's because they can be sized to fit any track situation.

The only thing you need to remember when using object boxes as CP's is that the trucks must pass through from a particular direction (from south to north). It's very easy to do...

1) In traxx model mode right click on the terrain an select "insert". That will place an object box on the track.

2) Open up the object boxes "properties", then resize it [70 x 1 x 20] then under the "type" drop down menu select "checkpoint".

You can adjust the cp's width (70) to whatever your track needs and rotate it as nessesary depending on the direction the course follows. You will also need to set the cp's "Sequence" under each cp box's properties... ie, cp1 will be seq.#0, cp2 will be seq.#1, cp3 will be seq.#2 etc. etc. and the start finish cp will need to be set to the highest number, ie if your track has a total of 6 checkpoints then the start finish will be sequence #5.


I think there is a page with pictures around but I'm not sure where. We'll dig it up, tho, if you need it.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 1:02 am 
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Good to see you in here Charles, I only hope we can keep up with your development schedule, hehe (18 tracks in 25 days... whew!). As for the track you're off to a good start, the texture scheme is nice and I kinda like the on-road off-road thing. This thing to do now is pull off a models scheme that gives the course some life and obvious direction. The one small u-turn is the only spot that doesn't seem to flow naturally enough.

Object boxes as checkpoints is very good advice. I saw when Malibu350cubic wrote that, and thought it was pretty good simplification, I'm glad to see it imported.

I posted this awhile back: <a href=>Checkpoint Boxes - a recommendation</a>

 Post subject: Thanks
PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 9:20 am 
The Dog House
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Phineus, thats a great idea. I do indeed LIKE IT. Wint you dont like the funny corner, they seem 2 handle it pretty good, but if it is breaking the Flow, maybe it sould Go. {Dope} Im johnny cochran. I'm open on some models ideas. Hit me with it, Not 2 Hard [dOPE] Charles By the way Wint My wife said Thats Because I need 2 get A life[/quote]

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 Post subject: Re: Thanks
PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 9:25 am 
The Dog House
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Well that checkpoint stuff was great, i see vwhat you meant by North & South set up, toke a minute, but awesome in the end. Thanks Phineus & Wint. And yes it does need some models 2 set it in a direction, like i said IM OPEN on any ideas. Charles

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 12:06 am 
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Okay, I was thinking that bushes and barriers would fit right into this landscape, if nothing else, such as can be had at the scraps section at - bushes on the roadside and offroad portions, and barriers directing the flow of the race, using either 'construction' type stuff or something more rustic.

As I thought rustic I thought of something else - an excellent set of stuff for you to use is right here:

That's the stuff from Sir James Popcorn Track (one of my all time favorites). The checkpoints, guard rails, fencing and detour sign might all fit well in your track.

(and then there is the MTMG models section too of course)

As for the corner previously mentioned, perhaps I spoke to soon, after a few more laps it feels comfortable enough. In all things I say go with your instincts and your vision, they seem pretty good to me!

 Post subject: Love the rustic
PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 9:58 am 
The Dog House
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Yes my friend i like the rustic look, that fits in nice. I have 2 admit, I love the corner, seems its the 1 spot if your aways back, make that corner clean u can make up some time. Ill get busy now keep u informed, please if u come up with anything else, just let me know. Thanks again man Charles

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 12:43 pm 
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I agree with wint... The u-turn can be challenging for newbies (to this track) but after a few laps it is easier. Sorry I directed you wrong Charles but I found that it is actually easy. I will be looking forward to the Full Version of Durango and the beta for D2... lol D2.

Master G

 Post subject: Yes on the Corner & Beta2
PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 11:28 am 
The Dog House
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Im glade we all agree, in someways that corner makes the track. Now if i can get the rest looking good ill be alright, seems the track trys 2 mislead me, like some of the rustic, but not the check point parts, ill get it yet, Well heres No2Beta, still need bushes and what-not. Let me know what u think people,Thanks again.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 11:35 am 
Glow Ball
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Hey, Charles, this is shaping up to be one of your best tracks yet. I just took it for a couple laps and I must say I'm impressed. I haven't really scrutinized it (yet) but a couple things I noticed. First, I found the racing line a "wee" bit tough the first while but I think once you take a few laps it will be obvious. The lighting bothers me a bit, but that might just be me (I can be hyper light sensitive some days) so it's probably best to get second opinions on that. I really like the animated detour sign. Did you make that? I don't think I remember seeing it before (but again, don't trust me, I still haven't got my clocks right yet, lol). Oh, that tight turn is fine. Without that, it might be a bit too easy. The track is pretty straight forward terrain-wise so I think that corner gives the layout a bit of character and distinction. My vote: keep it. I didn't look too closely at the textures. They look like mtm1 so it's likely there'll be a couple seams. If there are, don't sweat it, it's the price for using this set - which look fine, by the way. If nobody else comes in with more, I'll take a couple extra laps and see what else I can dig up for ya.

 Post subject: Phineus i agree
PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 7:04 pm 
The Dog House
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Phineus thanks first. Second i totally agree on the lighting. I wish i had a way 2 offset it. A different backdrop would be nice. Anybody got something in mind? As far as making the detour sign, No Way and I Wish. Wint put a link further back up { what a guy }. How about the check points,do they work? Thanks again man.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 9:02 pm 
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Lookin' good Charles!

- <a href= target=3>picture</a>

I notice you have the textures all set to default, so that asphalt, grass, dirt and everything behave the same. In case you're not aware of it, you can select type and depth in the Traxx textures dialog. Depth sets how far the tires sink into the terrain, and is generally unimportant, but Type determines the physical properties of the surface. I'd suggest "dirt" for all of your offroad textures, it provides some slide but is not too slippery, while your asphalt could remain at default or be set to ''cement".

- <a href= target=1>picture</a>

I've been waiting for a racer to pop in here, but .... from a human racing perspective your starting lineup would probably be considered very unfair, with such a distance between the first and last drivers. I'm thinking they'll need to be grouped closer together to provide a more even start, presuming the track will be played online.

- <a href= target=2>picture</a>

There is a shortcut that bypasses your nifty turn. In the picture you can see that Snakebite is beginning to take it, while Boogie Van is well on her way, and Overkill is getting ideas. Meanwhile, Executioner and his crew are taking the long way home and about to feel burned.

I suspect that moving the checkpoint just beyond your little hill, on the other side of the road, would provide an easy fix.

- <a href= target=4>picture</a>

Although the segments look good, the trucks are consistantly crashing into the barrier at the end of the straight just before the finish line, in pro mode. This is due to the speed the trucks attain. You might back the end of the segment (eight) up just a bit to accomodate this. Knowing that even rookie trucks will not seek out the beginning of segment nine until they've flown clean off the end of segment eight, backing it up shouldn't present any problem, though while you're at it you could bring the beginning of segment nine a bit closer to the road.

Also, the little wooden, square left and right turn signs (not pictured, from mtm1) do not seem necessary, and do not look particularly good either. I'd think about taking them out to leave room for bushes or something.

That's all for now....

 Post subject: Texture and Dusk
PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 9:40 pm 
The Dog House
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Ok Wint got the check point moved 2 the corner other side so they'll have 2 go the long way. Moved #8 & #9 segments back. Moved trucks closer together,now can i still fix the textures so they be dirt? 1 more ?, can i have the track set at Dusk? I put Kc's drop and put it 2 dusk, it looked pretty good. Is there away i can set the track up as such? Oyeah 1 more thing, how come the comp trucks arent doing that on mine{finding short cuts}ever. Im on Pro? Sorry a lot of ? i have. Thanks Bro

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 Post subject: custom circuit
PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 11:28 pm 
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>> how come the comp trucks arent doing that on mine?

To tell ya the truth Charles, they don't do that on mine either! I'm sorry, hehe, I faked that picture to demonstrate the cut, and wrote the text to be funny. I moved the 'shortcutting' computer trucks into place while in <a href=>GOLD Mode</a>. It was more fun than sending a replay or drawing lines on the picture. ;)

>> now can i still fix the textures so they be dirt?

Yep, as shown <a href=>here</a>.

>> can i have the track set at Dusk?

Yes. See Phins notes:

As for Phineus and lighting, I suspect he meant this:
But I dunno what bothered him. :roll:

 Post subject: Right-On
PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 10:06 am 
The Dog House
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Yes sir i got it now, Dirt is set 2 grid 3 the road stayed a 1. Put sun over head and messed with the settings. I will take Phineus advise and leave the Day nite setting alone, I DO SUGGEST trying the track on Dusk, just lookes good 2 me. Man thanks 4 so much help from all, Wint i love your links, Phineus i dont know if your the person who wrote all that stuff up, if so my friend, you sould get a METAL.The Mtm2 people all over are in your dept. Thank youAll 4 making this GAME GREAT, my hat is off 2 all. Suggestion, keep'em coming. Charles

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 Post subject: Last chance
PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 12:09 pm 
The Dog House
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Ok the last Beta testing on it, if there is anything i need 2 do please let me know. Also please try on Dusk setting, I'm still thinking a twilight race would be kool, u would still have nite and pitch black settings. Now if u think it sould be left alone so people have the choice 4 day or nite, ill let it go. Thanks again.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 1:04 pm 
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> Also please try on Dusk setting...

I tried the dusk setting and it does look great, many tracks look very good at dusk but please don't set the weather mask to it. I'm a firm believer that that should be left up to the racer's.

This is the first I've seen of durango and I like it a lot, you did a fine job creating a small track that's perfect for a 10 lap race with 4 to 6 people. But, there's just one thing I don't like and that's none of the bushes are set to [no collide facing]. Some are even set to collide along the road side bringing my big truck to a screeching halt :o( I recommend taking the time to reset every bush to no collide facing before calling the track finished... also drag each bush a little bit to reset their height because a few are floating like this one.

 Post subject: Thanks Malibu_350
PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 1:25 pm 
The Dog House
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Your right man. I'll leave the weather settings alone. Also make sure of the bushes. I dont know how that happens. Thanks 4 checking that out 4 me Bro.

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