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 Post subject: C-pod overflow error anything else edit pod files?
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 12:31 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 02, 2002 2:01 pm
Posts: 130
I am working on a pod, and I want to manually edit the .sit file

I;ts been a while so forgive me. So today I extract the file from the prod no problems. I edit the .sit file, and when i drop it back into C-pod it causes an "overflow error" and c-pod crashes.

So i think maybe it is my preferences. i go to preferences / programs menu link

and I get a "run time error 75 path/file access error."

Any ideas on what i am doing wrong or need to do to fix this? If not, how else do i go about manually creating a pod form a .sit file.

Just a link to a tutorial or utility would be great if you don;t have the time to explain. I am easy..I just want to edit the . sit file

thanks in advance

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:12 pm 
Glow Ball
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Joined: Tue Feb 02, 1999 7:00 pm
Posts: 24
What I do....
  • Open the original pod in cpod
  • Create a LST file
  • Edit the LST file
    • Remove the reference to the DATA\NULL file, and optionally add reference to anything I might want to include
  • Extract the pod (using cpod or podview or mtmview)
  • edit and save the sit file
  • optionally update or edit any other files I might want changed - eg tty or lvl
  • Remake the new pod from the LST file using cpod
As you are aware, this method has several advantages. For example, you can create a track in traxx and give it any base file name you want and then edit the track name later, you can edit the lvl file to play mods or change the sky palette or sun position, and setting the texture type is as simple as search and replace, &etc.

PS. If you suspect cpod preference problems, you can reset them using cowpod.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:01 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 02, 2002 2:01 pm
Posts: 130
Thanks phin, i really appreciate the help. The track is coming along well. I hope to have a new one for the racers in the next week maybe two. I finally got back into the swing of things so I can be semi-efficient.

another couple of questions while I've got you here (if you don;t mind), the .tty file I have never had a need to explore that before I took a look and I see it references just one texture. would you be kin enough to tell me what this texture does in game? My best guess is some type of an effect mask (maybe weather clouds etc.)?

From reading I get that Bill only allowed a few options for sun placement, but the .sit file actually allows for almost any position. Is there any "gotcha's" I need to look out for here, or any helpful tips? IMHO Lighting done right can really make a track shine.

Last, (long winded today [:P] )
have you ever used the track setting width for AI course? I would like to restrict the AI trucks to a tighter line on one or two segments, did this ever pan out? From the reading I did I never saw an actual conclusion or an instance where it was actually used before.

By the way
Traxx 1.5xx and Binedit 2.28 are an absolute pleasure to use. I cannot thank the programmers enough. Even though there is not as many players and builders as there used to be it's still a huge deal. Just one person with traxx or BinEdit is saving hours with the new updates. After a a few users, I am sure a ton of man hours are being saved., I know BineEdit has saved a lot of time so far, and will continue to.

Thanks again for your help Phineus it;s really appreciated, we ought to catch up sometime it;s been a long while.

take care,

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:28 pm 
Glow Ball
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Joined: Tue Feb 02, 1999 7:00 pm
Posts: 24
> .tty file

(T)exture (TY)pe - sets the ground type and grip depth. You can set them one-by-one in traxx or what I often do is use the tex file, add the values using search and replace, then save as tty. I don't think many do that, but I sometimes do. If you don't set the type, then the game uses the default concrete (or whatever it is).

> sun placement

Is done in the LVL file. Bill gave the primary stuff, which in most cases is more than enough. The few times I've manually tinkered was with alphaville where sun glare from outer space just didn't seem right, so I put it underground. For the lupin track, I tried to get it to shine in through the window but couldn't get it - at least not in the few attempts I made at it. Perhaps if I took more time but I ran out of patience with it. I've also put it on a 45 so glare didn't shine directly in your face on any straights.

> width for AI course

I've done that for narrow passages to stop a truck running off a cliff or running into a wall. There's no science to it that I've discovered.

> Traxx 1.5xx and Binedit 2.28 ...

I couldn't agree more. The new trackview is good too. It's not a track tool per se but it's really a nice bit of coding. Ninety nine percent of the images on the download page were done with it.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:52 am 

Joined: Sat Nov 02, 2002 2:01 pm
Posts: 130
Thank you Phineus I appreciate all your help, and you have given plenty.

I have a question about texture types and grip depth.

Are the settings applied globally to every texture with the same name, or are the settings dependent on where in the grid they sit. I guess what I am asking is if I set one dirt texture to a grip depth of 20 (for hypothetical reasons) does that setting apply to every texture across the track, or just in that one spot.

I am not a big fan of texture types unless it is an effect used for the entire track, it just makes tracks a lot harder/more frustrating on the one driving them

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:56 pm 
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Only on the Textures you lay down with that setting If i remember correctly. Which sky one tip i can give you is grip depth is basically how far the truck sinks into the texture. Great for tracks where you want a simulated mud bog as well as sand/loose soil where the trucks tire tends to sink a lil. Texture Type is generally what kind of terrain it is so the game knows how to simulate it properly.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:10 pm 
Glow Ball
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Joined: Tue Feb 02, 1999 7:00 pm
Posts: 24
> Are the settings applied globally to every texture with the same name


> if I set one dirt texture to a grip depth of 20 (for hypothetical reasons) does that setting apply to every texture across the track

Yes. All textures with that name will be 20.

If you needed two depths for the same texture, just create a copy using a different name.

Anarchy is correct about the texture 'type'. I'll add, however, that many of the available types are undrivable. Sand, Gravel, Grass and Rocks are as slippery as snow, for example, or since the game has water (unlike mtm1) then you don't really need the water type. The tires will give skidding sounds on default and cement, whereas on dirt they won't. Wood will make the tires sound like they're going over a wooden bridge or railway tracks. Dirt is a good medium choice because it gives a softer surface for off road areas without sacrificing grip.

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