Cool topic.
Just a second opinion. Back in January I also was on the hunt for something to convert an MS Word doc file into a pdf. After encountering a few web services and commercial pdf authoring software, I came across some free pdf writer utilities. CutePDF was probably among those Google search results, but at the time the one I eventually went with was
It seems to be the same deal as you describe, except I didn't need to install any additional Ghostscript/Postscript converters or drivers. Once installed, open your document, hit Print and select PrimoPDF as the destination 'printer', and tell it where to save. You can optimise the PDF output file for screen or for printing (though I'm buggered as to what the difference is).
Another one I collected, but didn't actually try, was
pdfMachine. It's a free version of a commercial software that retains some advanced features like encryption, albeit with a watermark, and also works as a 'print' device.
Oh, I almost forgot. The lairy document I wanted to convert was my Honours thesis, parts of which had had input from a couple online communities, including someone from this place (mucho gracias). It's kinda rubbish in this embarrassed author's opinion, but for some reason they saw fit to give me first class for it
. The thesis and some additional materials has a home