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 Post subject: CH's C-POD and C-POD.INI! Released!
PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 9:26 am 
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Double Click - thats all that you have to remember to using this program.

Check it out. With some incentive from the guys at the mtmg forum (pretty much the same as the guys at the bbs) I got off my ass and worked a ton on the code of c-pod.
<a href=""></a>

Also C-pod.ini is taking shape pretty well.
Probably ready for a beta run soon.

I still want help debuggin c-pod too.

This is open source so drop me a line if you want the source or help understanding the source.

Make sure to read all the text on that C-POD Page i'm linking u guys too. It explains a lot. Also check out the new screenshots directory I threw togather.

OK! SO start testing and leave as many coments here as possible.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 2:56 am 
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Great stuff CH, nice to use, seems stable.

About all I can suggest is that when you have columns of linked data spread through multiple list boxes side by side, it would be nice if when you scrolled one the rest would scroll also to keep the values side by side, although if you click on something they all line highlight and line up anyway, so it's probably not worth the considerable effort required to make that happen. In other words, ignore me :)

Oops, I found an error (in C-POD)... I wanted to try out the file adder/remover so I dragged a text file into a truck pod, that works fine... and I can view the text file fine... then when I tried to delete it I got a messagebox with
Run time error '380':
Invalid Property Value

... and the program crashes.
... and, when I open it back up again, I see it didn't remove the txt file when it crashed either. I tried adding & deleting some sound and art files also, and it still dies, there's definitely a problem here...

Ah, now I see... it's having problems with removing the last file in the pod - it will successfully delete any other file, but if you try the last one listed then it throws an error and crashes...

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 12:49 pm 
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Thanks. I think i know why. Should be easy to fix.

I actually would like the lists to scroll togather but i havent figured out how. I know it's possible to do that tho casue in WinPod (which is vb (3 i think)) it scrolls them togather. I'll have to search the net a bit.

-a few seconds later-
Ok i fixed the delete the last file problem.
I should have seen it while i was writing the code but i guess that one just slipped past me.

The problem was that if you delete a file in a pod you have to decrease the offset of each file after it. But if there are no files after it then you cant and i didnt put in a check to see if there were files after it. My bad. Now there is one.

OK - i'll reupload this puppy.
This is actually the second error i fixed since i released it a few days ago. The first problem was that i left in some debug statements. When ever u inserted a file into a pod it would tell you the offset of a couple things. Lol.

Ok sweet - i fixed the scrolling stuff too. I fixed it in C-POD and C-POD.INI. It was really easy - i wonder why i never saw it before.

Keep the comments coming no matter how stupid they may seem.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 1:39 pm 
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whenever i try to open cpod or inport from cpodini, i get a
"runtime error '76'
path not found"

Leg's Auto Emporium most anything that you'll need to make a truck!

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 9:55 pm 
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Try making a directory "temp" in the directory that u installed it.

I cant think of why you would get that error. It's an invalid directory apparently.
If that doesnt work let me know and i'll come up with more.

Usually it just makes the temp directory automatically but maybe your system is a bit different or somthing.

What OS u using? Anyone else got it to work on that OS?
I've only tested it on '98 SE

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2003 1:18 am 
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ch_2005 wrote:
Try making a directory "temp" in the directory that u installed it.

a "Temp" directory was set up automatically.

What OS u using? Anyone else got it to work on that OS?

im running XP. but the last one u just over wrote, worked with no problems.

Leg's Auto Emporium most anything that you'll need to make a truck!

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 5:36 am 
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Read the page and all the info on what this util can do, needless to say I was looking forward to checking it out. I d/led it, extracted it to my MTM 2 directory, and when I went to open it up I got this error. Not sure what I did or didn't do, but my guess is this accounts for stupid question no. 1 lol.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 6:05 am 
COPE, using find, search for comdlg32.ocx on your system, if you find it you have it, if you don't find it it's missing. [:P] If you find it, the registry settings for the file may be corrupt due to a faulty uninstaller previously run. If you don't find it you may be behind on the vb runtimes, you could download them in one form or another.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 6:35 am 
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Will do - back at work now. I gave it a go on my lunch break, so I'll give it a go when I get off. Thanks Phin. Btw, running short on your meds again, are ya? lol

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 6:55 am 
You Gonna Eat That?
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I tried to use it to convert a Rumble to a Circuit, so I could have a look at it offline, and I got this... ... Image2.jpg

I got it to work on the first track I tried it on, but there are 2 more I need to do, and I get that on both of them, when I try to convert them.

I'm running Win ME. It worked great once, but now it's being testy. Unless I have something corrupt, but I doubt it.

Rep Fan's Garage

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 7:34 am 
Glow Ball
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That wasn't me, Cope.

But here's a link that might help. Unzip everything to the same folder, delete the old version of c-pod and unzip the new version to the same folder. You 'should' be ready to go.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 9:39 am 
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LOL whoopsie. Sorry about the sarcasm, VB. Phin often times slips into one of his 417 personalities and talks to me in the forum. According to him I've even reviewed a few of his tracks without having he was the author. And yes, he's getting treatment lol.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 12:02 pm 
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u gave a blooddy heart attack! lol.

well i got another problem now. shortly after taking this SS, c-pod would start up but wasnt visable. no errors just not visable.

Leg's Auto Emporium most anything that you'll need to make a truck!

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 12:24 pm 
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Ok - if you get a Path/File Access error when you are trying to change a file that means that the file is set to Read Only. Right click on it in explorer and uncheck the box for read only and hit ok. Then it should work.

One of the probs with runing a rumble as a circuit is that it will think u went thru the check points when you drive through one side of the scoring area invisable box. I'm gonna work on making a founction to remove the checkpoints from a track - would that be useful?

If it doesnt show up then maybe it just need to be moved onto the scree.
if you go intot the registry and goto :Current user\software\vb and vba progs\c-pod.1.0.27 (or whatever your version is) then startup u can see the left and top of the window. If u delete them it will default to 10,10 or somthing.
it should save where u had it when u exited.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 12:59 pm 
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ch_2005 wrote:
if you go intot the registry and goto :Current user\software\vb and vba progs\c-pod.1.0.27 (or whatever your version is) then startup u can see the left and top of the window. If u delete them it will default to 10,10 or somthing.
it should save where u had it when u exited.

i have no idea what u just said. all i got was go to reg and delete. lol. well it worked i can atlest see it now. thx

Leg's Auto Emporium most anything that you'll need to make a truck!

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 11:21 pm 
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Ok some changes!

I fixed file deleting cause it was still a bit messed up. I had two off by one errors that cancled eachother most of the time. I fixed them both so now it always works.

Since i had a working delete i rewrote the code that is run when u click the "Podzip" menu item. Now C-POD does the podzipping - it's a bit slower but much less unprofessional. It seemed kinda crazy to call podzip.exe like it was a function.

Also i added a table to the C-POD webpage. It tells the current version of the program so you can tell if your version is current.

Umm - i just came up with a new idea. brb.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 12:19 am 
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Ok. Finished my new idea - hehehe.

Now if you send c-pod the command line:
C-POD.exe hey.pod PZIP
it will open hey.pod and immidiatly podzip it and close the file.
Now i can podzip a file with about three clicks of the mouse :)
And so can you!
arent you lucky.
Oh man - it's too late. I'm getting punchy.

Good night men.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 1:48 am 
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Got mine going a few days ago - thanks for that link, Phin. Very slick proggy, CH...I'm very much impressed. I need to get the latest ver, but so far all I can say is "wow!" I'll spread the word by making a post on our N&U when I get off from work tomorow. Good stuff, man!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 12:54 pm 
Glow Ball
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ch_2005 wrote:
if you send c-pod the command line:
C-POD.exe hey.pod PZIP
it will open hey.pod and immidiatly podzip it and close the file.

Inspired by this discussion I made a batch file like this

@echo off

but I get a "not a valid file extension" message. Should that be happening or have I done something wrong?

Also. I tried to right click and "open with" but I get the same message.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 11:13 pm 
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sure u have the newest version?

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