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 Post subject: Replacing textures in BinEdit
PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 11:03 am 
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Joined: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:45 am
Posts: 24
Okay, awesome site. I stumbled onto it somehow looking for monster truck pics. I used to be a regular at Beeks back in 1999.

Anyway, I have gotten back into MTM2 (thanks by the way) and while I have become quite good at repainting, I'm stumbling hardcore when it comes to BinEdit.

I've been mainly editing 73 Ford. I copied the ACT and RAW files named SCFOR1 and SCFOR2 so that I wouldn't mess up the originals.

I used the FlyRawGui to convert the files to BMP, painted them, and then converted them back.

I opened the truck in TRACKED2, installed the tires and such that I wanted and saved the POD.

I opened up the POD in CPOD and made an LST file.

I went through the file and copied and renamed all of the BINS and ACT/RAW files to coordinate with the new truck.

I then made another POD from TRACKED using the LST file, and it worked fine and what not, with the body style/tires/axles/shocks all named correctly.

Even in BinEdit, it opened up fine with the right colors. I saved the bin again.

Works in the game great, and I was very pleased with it.

However, when I opened up the original 73 Ford in Tracked later, I saw that it had the paint from my new truck.

I went over the ACT/RAW files again, and they looked appropriate for each truck, but here is the where my problem lies.

I opened up the trucks in binedit, and the 73 Ford looked normal, but the new truck had the same paint as the old truck.

I followed a tutorial from this site and am having a lot of problems with the texturing (I know, it's going to take patience.)

1.) Is there a way to changed the default RAW files associated to a bin file without reapplying the textures?

2.) I wanted to select an entire side of the truck, but I can only seem to get sections saved and reapply textures to them. (Where my patience needs to be practiced.) Is there a way to select points to save as the group? The tutorial had Bigfoots hood section, but when I tried, I couldn't grab the entire thing.

Any help would be appreciated.


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 11:18 am 
easy company
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1.) Is there a way to changed the default RAW files associated to a bin file without reapplying the textures?

Under Binedits 'Textures' menu select 'replace'. With that option you can replace faces associated with each texture the bin uses.

2.) I wanted to select an entire side of the truck, but I can only seem to get sections saved and reapply textures to them. (Where my patience needs to be practiced.) Is there a way to select points to save as the group? The tutorial had Bigfoots hood section, but when I tried, I couldn't grab the entire thing.

You can create and save face groups by cycling the faces with the space bar, stopping and hitting the F key to tag each face in the group you'd like to create. To save the group, go to the 'Groups' menu and select 'Face groups', type in any name and click OK then save the bin. Each time you open the bin again you can reselect any group saved.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 11:23 am 
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Joined: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:45 am
Posts: 24
Thanks, I'll try working on those. I would really like to be able to make something I feel worthy of putting up on the site.


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 11:50 am 
Glow Ball
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Joined: Tue Feb 02, 1999 7:00 pm
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>> Is there a way to changed the default RAW files associated to a bin file without reapplying the textures?

A bin file defines what textures it uses. For example, the stock bigfoot truck in the game uses BIGFOOT1.RAW and BIGFOOT2.RAW. So, if you want to repaint the bigfoot truck, you would paint the files, name them something unique (eg MYTRUCK1.RAW and MYTRUCK2.RAW) and you tell the bigfoot.bin to use your files instead of the originals. You would then rename BIGFOOT.BIN to whatever the name of your truck is (eg MYTRUCK.BIN).

Tip. Do not name your truck so it ends with a number. Or, at least, not the numbers 0, 1, or 2. (eg MYTRUCK1.BIN or MYTRUCK2.BIN) This confuses the game because it looks for low detail models using that number scheme. It'll work in ninety percent of cases but it's a good habit to avoid it so you don't run into the other ten percent.

>> The tutorial had Bigfoot's hood section

Looks like you're using bigdogge's mapping tutorial. If you have just repainted the stock files, you don't need to "remap". You can "replace" like I've described in answer to your first question (and malibu350 has as well). If, on the other hand, you have done all new textures, then yes you'll have to remap. Have you seen this page?

Best place to begin.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 2:50 pm 
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Joined: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:45 am
Posts: 24
Thank you both for your help. Like I said I'm new to the whole bin editing world. Tracks are probably a long way away.

Anyway, I went to Mal's utility page to DL BinEdit2.0 since I was running an older version and I happened to download BinNamer as well.

BinNamer solved my problem for the mean time.

I've been going to a lot of the tutorial sites throughout all the domains and learning a little at each one.

I did however save my files as 001.bin, 002.bin and so on for the two trucks I was working on and I haven't had any errors yet, but will try to follow not ending numbers from now on.

I'm now trying to figure out how to add the blowers and other scrap pieces and want to try to make a "swamp buggy" type tire to make an older mud bog truck too.

I'm sure I'll be back on here alot though. Thanks again for all your help and I LOVE this site.

I would like to submit one of the trucks though once I finalize it a little more. Picture Bigfoot 5, but with some different wheels that are still big (off of a backhoe pod I found some time ago) and whatnot to make it interesting.

I usually find bizarre trucks to race against since it makes it entertaining to watch.

Talk to you later,

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