Hey K-Dawg, I think what you're asking for are examples of tracks with good layouts, and man, that encompassas a long list of tracks. It's also subjective in nature because everyone's definition of what constitutes a good track is different.
In general, abrupt changes in momentum are not necessarily desireable. Also, some people (like Phin) firmly believe blind jumps/corners are evil and should be wiped off the face of the earth lol. I'm not one who's big on tracks with tons of air time, but to some that's the coolest. Speed and banked turns are widely accepted characteristics in a track, but at the same time, there are tracks that require more finesse (Rattler/Lakebed Extreme/The Moors by GTX_ValveJob) than speed...and those are good, too!
When it comes right down to it, there are no set requirements on what constitutes a good layout, not in my opinion. Tell ya what tho, if you come up with a beta, drop it off in the beta room. You'll get all kinds of feedback, which will include your layout and whether it works or not, technical problems noted and suggested solutions - all absolutely free of charge from some of the best in the business.
And now here's a list of some of my favorites - some simple and some complex layouts:
Crosswinds, Crosswinds 2, Yazoo Valley Run by Psyco
Shenandoah, Cheyenne Crossing by AXE_Devildog
Bobsled Rally Way by Spider
LOL any track by Malibu350
OGX Maui 2002, ZO_Breaknecks, ZO's Crazzy Rally by OGX World
B-N-X, Preacher's Mines, Midiland, SLO_Pace by SLO_Preacher
Calisto Canyon, Castellar Mtn, Soda 1-4, Egyptian Adven by SLO_ObeOne
SLO Mtns, SLO Motion, SLO Valley, Ostego's run, Fila's Adven by SLO Fila
Trouble 2, Forsaken Lands by SLO_Gutterboy
Oregon Outback, HotShoe's Trail, Crater Lake by SLO_HotShoe
Bolton Hill, Paris to Dakar by SMP Creations
And that's not even close to 1/4 of the list I could come up with of tracks I love. All very different and all very, very good. The absolute best thing I can tell ya is make your track and drop it off in the beta room...and we'll go from there!
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Edited by SLO_COPE (12-02-2003)</font>