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What type of view are u using to race?
Chase far 59%  59%  [ 22 ]
Cockpit 30%  30%  [ 11 ]
Others 11%  11%  [ 4 ]
Total votes : 37
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 Post subject: Chase far Vs In Cab view
PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2003 8:45 pm 
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As you read through this post, bear in mind that the intent is
to talk and share information rather than to point fingers at others

As i was reading something about Incab view on another thread, i couldn't
help but think about few things worth talking about here. who knows, maybe
it can even help some to refine their skills.

I personnally use Chase far view for various reason.

1. The most important one to me is that Chase far allow the driver to see
much further out and much further beside. Obviously, to be aware of upcoming
obstacles sooner will allow you to prepare yourself to react in time. The
Fact that you can see wider also effect what's call the tunnel vision.
Indeed, as you can see further, you should feel like if you were going
slower ( just a feeling, you're not) As you see things coming from further,
you'll have more and better reference points to set up early to take that
next jump or curve correctly. To line up early also mean by doing minor
correction and minor correction translate by not losing as much speed (keep
your momentum) If ya ever wondered why some ppl can turn a lap on a given
track several seconds faster than you, well you just found out, this is it.
less correction = more speed. Serious, it's not the truck nor is it their
computer, it's the driver.

2. Another important adventage would be the awareness of what's happening
around your truck. As in Chase far you'll be allow to see other trucks near
your. You can act much more like you would in real life witch is slow down
or speed up to either take the lead or fall back to give way to others. Some
time, just move a little further left or right will allow you to keep the
lead or avoid a crash. I'd call it driving realisticly.

I can already hear some say, that sound nice but the aim is to win and to
win mean to be in front. So fall back is no option right?

Well it's true, and you cant win by crashing your truck after a good lag
kick nor can any one win after crashing others due to driving attitude. At
best i'd say you finish first.
If you never had a chance to do a very close race from start to finish,
perhaps you're to rough and to unrealistic in your approach. The exitement
of a close race even if finished in 2nd place far worth the try. Ask
SLO_Cope And others like ShaGGy about that one.

3. Another major adventage i can see for chase far user over in cab
viewers, would be that the view is so much more stable. In fact, when i try
in cab, i get dizzy from all the movement and the limited view.

4. As you have a much more open view on the outside, You can make a good use
of other souce of information this game can provide and it bearly affect you
view on the track. the map provide important information on other players
position on the track as well as who they are. That kind of information can
help take stategic dicision such as do i need to push the envelope or do i
just try to hold on my lead. Do i need to move quikly on this guy before the
leader goes to far ahead? It may sound a bit crazy to some but hey, When
you're driving with 4 players of different level it does make a difference.

On the down side.

1. A rare disaventage chase far view has is that when driving in low ceiling such as cave and some tunnels. Yet, If you're set with a hat switch you can adjust quikly.

2. In Some situation, Other trucks very close to your tailgate can obstruct your view on your truck. hehehe well, Me and Cope often use this technique to put pressure on our opponnents.

From my limited experience with in cab, all i can see is down sides.
The view is shaky and very limited and create the tunnel vision effect at
much lower speed specially when driving on a narrow tracks with hi walls
like we all see on many tracks.

I sure would'nt mind to hear from those who do drive in cab. Is there any speciafic reason why you guy's using in cab?

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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2003 1:55 am 
Glow Ball
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I use cockpit because chase far feels like I'm driving an R/C car which makes me feel very detached from the game. But the points you make are well taken.

 Post subject: Chase near
PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2003 8:00 am 

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I agree with Jumper: cockpit view makes me seasick too. Another important drawback of cockpit view is that it is very hard to know what the truck is doing when airborne and thus chosing the right steering angle for the landing.
I use chase near although I admit that for racing tactics chase far is often superior. But chase near looks a lot better IMHO and is less "arcadish". I may add than in all other racing games I play(ed) I always use bonnet or cockpit view.
Back to MTM2, in tracks with steep climbs and dips, chase near needs adjustment of the vertical view angle. I use programmed wheel buttons for this purpose because the coolie-hat often has the undesirable side effect of changing the lateral angle too (force feedback) .
In rumbles I of course use chase far.

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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2003 11:07 am 
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I drive with Cockpit view, and can't even control the truck on any other view.

It's more of a feel thing for me. I can judge distances much better in the cab. I can tell how the truck is going to land, by the height of the nose, in reference to the sky.

I'm an avid off roader in reality, so that's the view I get from my own truck's cab. When I play MTM2, that's the view I expect to see. I'm a very good driver in my real truck, and I can usually avoid all bad things. But unlike reality, MTM2 doesn't have the same effect that the gas pedal does to the truck in mid air. I wish it did.

But either way, I have tried to drive in other views, and my lap times skyrocket. I just don't get the same effect, that I get when I'm in the cab. I guess if you know the truck that well, and know where the scrape points are, you can do very well in Cockpit view. I always know where I'm at, and I seem to get a better "Seat of the Pants" feel when in Cockpit view.

Everyone is different. That's just the way I like it. I think alot of it has to do with the view you first chose when you first drove this game. I chose Cockpit, and have just stuck with it.

Most like to see the truck's physical apearance when driving, I can totally understand that. After all, the picture on the screen is much prettier, when in a Chase view. You can see the whole truck, and all the scenery.

Rep Fan's Garage

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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2003 11:13 am 
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You make an interesting point Jumper.

The main reason I use cab view is because I oversteer terribly when I try to use chase far. I also get a more realistic feeling when using cab view. The only time I use chase far is when I'm driving around a track during beta testing.

In the end, it all depends on what feels for comfortable to each driver. I'm certainly not gonna say cab view is better, I'm just more comfortable with it, like Jumper and others are more comfortable with chase far.

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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2003 12:57 pm 
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personnally, in mtm2 i use chase far or chase near. most other games i use cockpit view, even evo1&2. the reason i use the chases in mtm2 is b/c of the slide that mtm2 has. in cockpit view when it slides im gone. lol.
when using chase views i cans see the slide and counter-act it, thus conrtolling the truck better.

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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2003 1:23 pm 
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I use chase far view to get a better view of what's ahead. When jumping from a very high place, I can line up my truck and the landing spot well before I get to the edge of the jump, but in cab view, all I see is air.

Chase far does give me problems on very steep hills, both going up and then coming back down, I am always running the hat switch like crazy in those situations, and I often accidentally rotate a little left or right, causing the view to skew to the side just enough to cause me to run off the road.

A big advantage to the cab view I notice when I have tried it, is being able to see the 'bumps' in the road. The smallest elevation changes are hard to spot in far chase, and I end up a little airborne when I wasn't expecting it, but in cab view, the slightest elevation changes fill the screen, giving you a better chance to negotiate them.

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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2003 5:27 pm 
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Some interesting comments in there. How about how do you manage your races when driving in cab? I know Scat use the map but how about others, Do ya only trust the map?

From Chase far i can easily read others intention from how they position behind me. I can see their wheels turn and truck angles so you can tell he is going to cut inside. From there you can drive and react more realisticly in terms or maneuvers. So i use the map to make stratigic decision and figure who's who and how far they are but i look at the their truck when they're close to me.

I do respect each of ya's way but i'm just trying to figure how do you read other players intention near you? Wile in cab, since the map dont really show much info about the other trucks, How do you read the info to avoid crashing or cutting others?

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PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2003 9:24 am 
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Interesting stuff here, and quite a few well-made points from all. I'm a chase far guy, too, and the first time you play this game after installation, you start in cab, which is the default setting. It didn't take me long to figure out that that particular view for this game wasn't going to do it for me. Given the ups/downs and general roughness of the terrain on most tracks, cab view was...well, nauseating lol. Who knows tho - maybe if I had hung in there, popped a few motion sicness pills, it might have worked out.

At any rate, like Jumper, I tend to believe the in-cab view comes with some inherent limitations. I have to stress that I'm not stating this as fact, since I have no first-hand experience of racing on a pro level using the in-cab view. I have "toyed" with it offline, however, so I do have a feel for what it's like. Chase far allows me to use positioning tactics to either avoid a crash or make a pass. It's really difficult to describle how subtle the posturing techniques are, but where it concerns avoiding a crash or takeout by another racer, it's clearly has an advantage over the in-cab view. My primary goal is to stay in the race, especially from the start. So many people make the mistake of trying to win the race from the very beginning, which inevitably leads to premature pile-ups lol.

What I'm curious about is whether some of the great racers of days gone by used the in-cab view. Knowing what I know about MTM 2 racing, I just don't see how anyone can turn HoF type laps using in-cab...track for track, I mean...particularly on tracks requiring a lot of finesse. The fastest people I know (present day) all use chase far. It would be interesting to find out what view guys like GTX_Slotcar, GTX_Fly, RIP_Buzzz, GTX_Bug, AXE_Feak and many others used.

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PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2003 1:45 pm 
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"The fastest people I know (present day) all use chase far. "

Hmmm, that is interesting, it didn't used to be that way. I was at the Vegas tourney and had the opportunity to watch some really fast drivers (I'm not including me in that group) and everyone, except Executioner, drove in cab view (even in the can you Rumble in cab view??)

I can't remeber everyone who was there anymore, but some of the fastest were Redline, Behihm, Snake, Mr. Garibaldi, Zipperhead, Lotus, Spreker, and a dozen more I am forgetting.

I did ask a few about racing in that view and they generally liked the "feel" of being in the cab, like they were driving a truck. Mr. Garibaldi was so animated getting into the "feel" it cracked people up. He would lean in the turns, bounce with bumps, and raise up out of his chair when he was catching big air to get ready for a hard landing. I don't think there was much finesse in racing then, the idea was to get in front and don't make a mistake, if you weren't in front, then you just stay close and hope the guy in front makes a mistake.

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PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2003 4:21 pm 
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hehehe Dont know when that was but this game in becoming a science now lol. personnally i dont have time to get of my chair and even shut the tv so my attention is on the track. My next step is to tie my son in his room so it's real quiet roflmao.

Perhaps we'll even get into spycological aspect someday lmao

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PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2003 9:44 am 
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I used to race/rumble in cockpit but i'm done with that because there was a strange feeling about it. I'm a driving simulation lover and driving from inside the cockpit gave me a strange feeling. Not arcade but neither the simulation i was looking for. It simply felt weird and not right so i changed to chase far and i found out that the feeling of the car is much better then the one from the cockpit.

I was simply able to "feel" (i certainly can do that in video game) the truck much much better.

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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2003 3:48 am 

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I get that tunnel vision feeling in cockpit.

I use chase far view only.

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PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2003 9:58 pm 
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I love the full-screen cockpit view (akas, Hood, Bonnet, Bug on Winshield, hood ornament). Tried the other views and well I have a harder time controlling the truck.

As for 'getting into' the game I too lean in my seat while taking a turn. :)

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PostPosted: Mon May 26, 2003 7:49 pm 
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Yea I definitely prefer using chasefar view. I get a much better feel for the tracks this way (lining up for turns, landing jumps, and getting better clarity of what lies ahead in terms of obstacles and/or other racers).
I've tried cockpit view offline a fair amount. Found it much harder to anticipate turns and complete them as smoothly...and had a hard time calculating slides correctly. However I'm sure if I practiced it a bit more I could do a little better. One thing I find that is great about cockpit view is that you get to see every bump on the road (as someone mentioned earlier) and dont get too many surprises with the terrain.
I guess it really boils down to which view you started out with in this game. Once you are locked on to a certain view and way of driving its very hard to change.
I do think that you can be successful with either view... surprisingly enough RIP_Dirtyracer always uses cockpit view and has had a lot of success with it so I guess there is hope for either style of driving, its all about finding your niche.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 2:46 pm 
I always use the cockpit view because that gives me a good excuse when I run a straggler into a three as soon as he caught up with me.

In cockpit vieuw you kinda wear blinkers [:P] You can't see a thing on the left, right or behind you. But on the other hand, it gives you more the arcade feeling - it makes you feel to go much faster (which makes it some harder as well, of course).

But ok, it all was already said [nyuk]

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 2:47 pm 

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[bump] Forgot to log in

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 4:42 pm 
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Many good points made above.

I think I'd prefer chase middle if it existed, but chase far (and slightly up) has been my favorite all these years. I have used the in-cab view a lot too, some tracks almost demand it, but I use it mainly for testing purposes or for getting a different perspective on a track. I prefer a chase view in most (but not all) racing games -- I like to see my vehicle, and in mtm I insist on seeing where my tires touch the terrain. I also like the overall track perspective that a chase view allows.

When I first started making tracks all I used was chase far, as a result of that my early work isn't friendly to in-cab drivers (all they can see is blue sky a lot of the time). However, every track I've ever released has been designed with both views in mind.

Chase far and in-cab people see such different worlds. What bothers me is that cockpit only drivers, who refuse to step outside of their cab for any reason, completely miss the 'spectacle' of some of the classic, spectacular big air jumps (classic tracks by Spider and Yeastman come to mind). Instead of seeing whole towns below, with loads of scenery and such, they see open sky, for eons, until they land. Being trapped in the cab can lead to missing a designers vision. Of course, I've always viewed tracks as an art form and have always appreciated them as such.

I think track designers naturally tend to optimise their tracks for one view or another, a chase far person seems more likely to carve rough terrain or include big air jumps. All too often in-cab designers are too short-sighted, they make too-low tunnels (tunnel-vision) and crowded scenery that annoys chase far drivers. In my opinion a track maker or a reviewer needs to be familiar with both views, or their results will only be half baked.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 4:47 pm 
Glow Ball
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they see open sky, for eons

I usually just go to the kitchen and put the kettle on, or hop on down to the corner store. By the time I return, the truck has usually landed.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:02 pm 
The Dog House
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Cockpit view. Just feels right. lol

Shoot for the moon.
Even if you miss you will land among the stars....

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