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 Post subject: The Definition of "Pro Racing"
PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 2:56 am 
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All righty - this section of the forum doesn't see a lot of action, and my goal is to fire it up a bit. I'd like to start by offering up a replay of one of the most exciting races I've ever had, and I've had tons of em, much like the one you're about to witness.

Not everyone is into watching replays, but I assure you, this is one you want to see - guaranteed. It's edge of your seat stuff. The track is "<u>Y2K Supercross</u>", by NKAc_duuks, and it's an exceptionally well-done piece of work - great for 2 to 5 racers comfortably.

It's fitting that the Hall of Fame for that track consist of times by SLO_Jumper and myself, because he's the guy I'm doing battle with in this replay!

To give you a quick frame of reference, the replay starts at the end of the 1st lap, and continues on thru the 3rd and final lap. Not bragging here, but it's extraordinary racing, it really is. We're running our custom trucks (by none other than Rep Fan), so if you want to d/l and pod them up as well, all the better; otherwise you'll see Bearfoots.

Here's what you'll need:
Y2K SX - the track
Y2K.rpl - the replay

and if you want the full effect, our trucks:
The Cope Mobile
Jumper's Wheels

Easy instructions if you need em:
- Download, extract, and mount the track/trucks to your game
- Download and extract the replay file to the "Saved Replays" folder. If you don't have one, make one.
- Open the game and click on View, then choose Instant Replay
- For the best view, hit F4, then press the Ctrl-3
- Hit the letter k and view the race from my truck. Both trucks will give you a great view, but since I was slightly behind or beside Jump for most of the race, my truck gives you the best overall perspective.

Let us know what ya think!!!

<font size=1>Edited by SLO_COPE (30-01-2003)</font>

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 3:02 am 

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so-so race by so-so racers.

Sound familiar cope? lol

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 5:27 am 
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Ever wondered why me & Cope lock ourself up in room 43 every morning for 2 to 5 hours in a row? Yup that's because we're having such a great time with our big trucks.
note that over the time (crashes)we've learn that being realistic and considerate for others make ground for much closer races than if you try to bully your way. Yeah lag is legal but sure aint as fun as this. Just to gave you a taste of what it look like this pic just getting to finish line.

<IMG SRC="" border=0>

Only those who will risk going to far can possibly find out how far one can go.

<font size=1>Edited by SLO_Jumper (30-01-2003)</font>

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 6:07 am 
easy company
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Posts: 2036
great replay of a great race

there's two things i don't like about mtm replays tho, 1) the clock doesn't run and 2) the chat text doesn't show... i'd love to see the chat comments especially after the few cases of incidental contact i saw :o)... but i'm sure it was nothing too harsh, you two being team mates and good friends and all... like for instance after the seemingly accidental nudge by cope at cp9 it probably went something like...

Cope: oh darn! i'm so sorry big J, a cat hair got in my eye and wasn't looking where i was going for a second there, are you ok?

Jump: ahhh shucks that's ok buddy, i know you'd never do such a thing on purpose, and i probably deserved it anyway, ya know, with me hogging the lead most of the race and all.. my bad oh exhaulted supreme slo leader...

Cope: gee wizz thanks chum, but i still feel terrible about it master J... tell ya what, cp12 is just ahead and i may just be taking it a little wide, hehe wink wink... now don't you go and do something silly like slam on the brakes and force me to take the win.

Jump: well if you insist, i'll sure fight that urge to drive straight into the wall on the last turn if i'm overcome with guilt, wish me luck.

Cope: good luck bro...

Cope: hey big J, what ya say after the race we get the gang together and take up a collection and send it to Mal, as a token of gratitude for all his hard work?

Jump: abso-dang-lutely! that is sheer genious, super idea cope, in fact i'm gonna skip the house payment this month and use that as my meager contribution.... one question though...

Cope: yeah?, ...what would that be?

Jump: well, uh, what about Phin?

Cope: Phin who?

lol certainly cope will back me up on this assumption heheh..

seriously now, that's some incredible racing guys, it's hard to tell but it looks as tho Jumper took the [url=javascript:void(0)]1st lap[/url] and Cope squeeked by on the [url=javascript:void(0)]2nd lap[/url]?

good show, n thanks for sharing it.

if you think bigger is always better try to remember the last time you had a toothache.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 6:22 am 
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hahaha Ya funny ?%?%$@@ hehehe
Actually the chat part is not accurate, since we use voice chat there is nothing to read.
As for how it sound it's more like
Cope: Dang! make up your mind! wich side of the track you wanna race on?
Jump: Ok! i'll take the forward side you can keep the rear all for yourself.

Cope: Ya farging clown...

Later on
Jump: D'you realized i just went wide to make that race more interesting?

Cope: Ya Buddy, Thx i wouldn't stand a chance if you didn't stay back here with me.

Jump: yeah i know np bud.


Only those who will risk going to far can possibly find out how far one can go.

<font size=1>Edited by SLO_Jumper (30-01-2003)</font>

<font size=1>Edited by SLO_Jumper (30-01-2003)</font>

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 7:17 am 
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Hahahaha geez, Mal...and I thought I had an imagination.

As for the race, Jump and I could easily fill an entire webpage with classic races just like that one. That's the only time we've every tied at the finish, however. The game registered Jump as the winner. I honestly can't tell, but like Jump said, "who cares - it was an awesome race!" Fortunate for us we're very evenly matched - he wins a few, I win a few...and many of them are extremely exciting and memorable.

This is one of the few tracks we've had these types of races which give you a decent replay. Yeah, MTM 2 replays leave quite a bit to be desired, but uh...we'll take it when it works!

The main point to it all is it doesn't matter what level you race on - rookie, intermediate or pro; if you can find someone that 1. you can tolerate for extensive periods of time (lol), and 2. are pretty evenly matched with, it usually makes for great fun on the tracks.

So who's this Phin guy you mentioned, Mal? lol

<font size=1>Edited by SLO_COPE (30-01-2003)</font>

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 2:34 am 

Joined: Tue Jun 04, 2002 2:01 pm
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Well, I think they both need a good old fashion country boy Asssssssssssss Whoooooopin! I am just the man to do it!!

Mal, that conversation was CRACKIN Me UP!!! My sides hurt, HAHA thats how them chumps really are, AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ....HAHAH Im like
SLO_3B: Get he hell out of my way you f#$#$#@@#$$ Dic$##$head!, #@#@!@##sons-A-Bit#@#$#@#@#@#, #@##$#@###@......Ect.!@!@#@#@###$##

Nuff Said

Nuff Said

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2003 2:52 pm 
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Hey pal, we paid you the going rate for a 30,000 mile/300 crashes (whichever comes first), which was $2.65 per truck, and we expect you to honor the agreement...or bad things will happen lol.

I'll tell ya RF - I still love my truck. One of these days I'm gonna pull out the old one and drive it just to remind myself of the huge performance boost I got when I made the switch over to the one you put together for me. Don't think I could thank you enough for what you did for me, and for the team as well. Image

Mal...lmao, man I just reread your "imagined" commentary between Jump and I again, and it is freakin hilarious!! LOL I'm going to have to make sure the team sees that malarkey lol. Master J, huh? LMAO!!! Great stuff, bud Image

<font size=1>Edited by SLO_COPE (05-02-2003)</font>

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2003 1:12 pm 
easy company
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>> Mal...lmao

heheh... ridiculous posts like that happen when i have waaay too much spare time on my hands <font size=+2 face=Wingdings>J</font>

if you think bigger is always better try to remember the last time you had a toothache.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2003 11:41 am 
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The only problem with walking among all these racer stories, is that I have to wear hip-high rubber boots to protect me from all the bull...LMAO! j/k

- BigDOGGe's Boneyard ...The Best Custom Trucks in MTM2 -

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2003 1:11 pm 
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Hehe I spent a few years in "The Show Me State" (MO, for the uninformed), and if there's ever time that you doubt the written word, DOGGe, get our tracks and come run some with us. That way you'll be able to draw conclusions based on firsthand knowledge as opposed to...well, you know. lol

We'll be waiting...

<font size=1>Edited by SLO_COPE (09-02-2003)</font>

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2003 7:24 pm 
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Man i should have saved the replay from the tournament yesterday when i was racing with JDak.

It was a killer, Jdak was leading and i was all over his rear. I was going left, right, hitting him, racing in reverse, throwing bad words to him, pushing my truck, throwing nails at his wheels but still couldn't pass him.

"In my restless dreams, I see that town, Silent Hill..." - Mary, Silent Hill 2

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2003 10:41 am 
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Save your remorse Fila, Nem's truck stop only register partial laps ( few sec at a time) Send me them times you got under 32, i need them to update my hof

Only those who will risk going to far can possibly find out how far one can go.

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