Remember February Saturday and Sunday is the Annual Guitar Bill Memorial Championships Month
So come along and pay tribute to this man who did so much for our game, even if you are unable to run the game at the moment come along and
JOIN in the chat between rounds, all are most welcome
- (times can be found from this link
Again this year we have 2 rumbles on the Sunday which will be included in the pointscore as well as all the racing tournaments on Saturday.
These will be special days and double points will be awarded to those participating, along with graphic awards for our top 3 (or more depending on numbers) at the end of the month.
Special thanks must go out to MacRobby, an evo gamer who continues year after year to help adorn my pages with his graphic enhancements and awards not only in his game but in MTM2 as well. Thx MR your help is invaluable
Happy Gaming MTM2, this game still lives !!