Hey I just recently purchased the MTM2 game from vales.com
I hope it was an original disk.
I get them dirt cheap on eBay. ;-)
I have downloaded a ton of trucks and tracks off of mtm2.com
Aye, it's an all you can eat buffet.
Cheers to the gracious owners!
My question is, what program do I need to get all the trucks and tracks into the game?
None, or one of many. The "
pod.ini" in your game folder is a text file that lists the pods
mounted in your game, if they're not listed there they won't be available in the game. You can edit this list by hand or you can use any number of utilities to help you easily add your files to it. I'd recommend
Cowpod, but Podit and Podini are popular too, though with far, far less functionality.
Understand that there is a limit of 30 mounted pods after a fresh install of the game but once you apply the
patch you can mount up to 99 pods. However, you should generally avoid mounting too many pods all in one shot so you can monitor problems or conflicts, and if you encounter errors remember
this link.
Also I've been reading about a file called fix-all.
"Fixmore" is the most up to date fix-it pod, fix-all is an oldie. These fix-its are user made pods that update various art or model files for better performance, to eliminate errors, or just plain change some things for aesthetic reasons (such as removing the train horn, changing the water color, etc.). They need to be mounted at or near the top of your pod.ini to be effective, but overall they are generally not necessary, just useful.
Rep Fan gave you the mega utilities listing but you might like this basic one for starters:
As for getting up and running with the game, check this old help file out:
Welcome aboard.