Rookie truck : a truck by a person who's never made a truck before.
The idea here is to encourage everybody who has never made a truck to try it. We expect nothing over and above a mdmre repaint - which on average takes one night to finish.
A few words more about what I just said. MDMRE was an old time mtmer who created many utilities for our game. He also happened to be the author of one of the best tutorials about how to repaint a truck. But while remnants of his
site are still around, he isn't. Still, it's the best place to begin, and so we encourage you to start there. Most every person who ever made a truck for this game has done the repaint tutorial. And while some people want to start by making fancy custom trucks or replicas, we suggest you take matters one step at a time; this is
the place to begin.
The standards for this part of the expo are very relaxed so there's no need to be shy. There have been over three thousand trucks made for this game. We think it's time to stake your claim in the legacy. Whether or not you continue making trucks after the expo is entirely up to you. Our only intention is to get you started and help provide a little fun while you're at it.
For this category, help, if you need it,
will be provided, short of doing it for you. And you will be allowed up to 3 entries. Re-uploads will only be allowed to fix errors should there be any. And, if you take advantage of all the time available between now and the closing date, it's quite possible to create exceptional things.
A readme.txt file is optional, unless you add parts then you should include one.
If you think this describes you, then give it a whirl. We look forward to what you can do.
MDMRE's siteDownload the
tutorial to work off line.
Utility downloadsPSP4 (non-expiring demo)
Any questions? Just ask.