Dash (-) pretty much nailed it, but you need to be specific in just what you want to convert as they all require different tools. converting evo1 models vs evo2 models for instance requires different tools, not only that but different techniques as well, same goes for tracks, trucks, and art files.
when I first started doing this I thought of putting together a tutorial, but 13 tracks and nearly 600 models later it gives me a headache just thinking about doing that anymore because I've run into so many variables along the way that the tutorial would make Websters dictionary look like a leaflet.
the only programs dash missed was binnamer, I also use BTR on some models simply because I'm too lazy to fire up the dos prompt sometimes ;-) then there's binanimater or should I say reanimater, and then there's the indispensible txraw, and lastly you may need a-lense untill binedit 1.4 is completed for remapping for the nearly blind
paint programs, I primarily use PSP5 but occasionaly need Photoshop for evo2 .tif files.
I do use wordpad but find editpad more adaptable editing .tex files
Smurf?, yes but I still have anirippers handy in convienent folders... she's too fast to kick to the curb just yet
be forwarned, there are no "cookie cutter" programs for conversions, more often than not models, trucks (yes I have done a few), art files and most of all tracks require much more work after they are made into a mtm2 compatable format.