Hey... Whoa where did I go?
Anyway, here's how ya do it.
1. Create your terrain in Traxx.
2. Copy it as a Bitmap.
3. Paste it in a paint program.
4. Re-size it to 257X257 pixels (or change the canvas size to 257X257 and repeat the edge pixels for better results).
5. Save it and note the filename and directory it's in.
6. Start SimCity 3000.
7. Choose to create a new city.
8. Set the size of the new city to LARGE.
9. Once you have finished starting a new city, bring up the cheat window by holding down Shift-Ctrl-Alt-C.
10. Type 'load terrain (filename)' into the cheat window. For example, 'load terrain c:\temp\myterrain.bmp'.
11. Your terrain should now be visible. The small view in the bottom right corner does not refresh automatically, so rotate the map to force it to be updated.
sigage@hotmail.com http://uk.geocities.com/sigagex/theshop.htm [This message has been edited by SIGage (edited 06-03-2002).]