I've done alot of work but i have nearly converted a CART level to an MTM2 level i just have one problem....
the RAW file for the CART level (LAGUANA.RAW) is 128x128.Traxx loads this terrain but the terrain is all weird.When i open up the RAW File it is all in lines.I probably dont have the right size but i'm pretty sure that it is 128x128.
The file is a RAW file & its file size is 128KB
E-Mail me for a copy of this file & try to find it out.
I've done everything else in the CART track including:
-Resized the backdrop
-Did lots of editing to the SIT file to make MTM2 read it right.
-The BIN's in CART are well above 255 so i clipped them back down to the ground layer
-Deleted some files that only CART uses.
-Used some dud files from basic traxx created tracks to substitute for files that MTM2 uses but CART didn't use
-Fixed up a couple of BIN's that didn't "look right"
So as you can see i've done everything to the track to turn it into an MTM2 track except the terrain.I COULD recreate the terrain but that would be pretty hard to do especially how certain aspects of CART are totally different to MTM2 ie the backdrops in CART are 10 times the size of backdrops in MTM1 & 2.
---> HAC-MAN
---> Keep On Hackin'