Vista wont fire aero if it doesn't have enough memory to do so...
Hey that's a plus for vista..not.
April 2008, I had it in... lets see... gotta find done of those spam my forums topics, ill find one and post back.
Spam of what?
The fact that you required an instructer to installl those OS's is sad, Windows 95 is slightly tougher cause no bootable CD, but even that just requires a floopy disk with CD drivers. but all others you just stick it in and go, they all even automatically format unallocated space for you, heck, Windows 2000 and Xp by default install as if they were unattendad, except for regional settings, 2000 actually clicks through itself if you wait long enough. Ubuntu basically installs itself too, you start up on CD and say copy OS to HDD, effortless.
You can only compare the Ubuntu install system to the Vista one, (it got rid of the DOS-like setup)
Switch your control panel to clasic mode and turn off the task pane, bam, it looks like 9X.
I know, you didn't get the point.
IE integration has existed since Windows 3.1
Not true. It was fully integrated in Windows 95 4.00.950C with IE4
and dare i say it, konqure, what else... im not super familure with all the garbage Linux Distros use, but they are all basically web browsers.
Again, false. Try to type
http://google.com on nautilus and you'll get nothing. Unistall firefox and you have no web browser.
And the fact that they are integrated is absolutly great for programmers and businesses.
Yeah, Microsoft bussiness.
Example, i don't have to find a program on a users system to open a JPEG file, I don't gotta figure out their windows directory, find their system directory, and pass a complicated command to RunDll.exe to fire up a jpeg file, I simply pass the jpeg file path as a parameter to explorer.exe and Windows takes care of it for me.
Internet Explorer is not as "integrated" as Microsoft says it is. You can actually install IE designed for Windows with Wine on Linux, now how is this supposed to be integrated?
Wine can only run application programs, it can not run operating system components such as VxD drivers or the Windows kernel itself. Applications run by Wine can not access the hardware directly or make use of internal Windows structures that are not simulated by Wine. Interestingly when Microsoft released IE 5 they stopped referring to it as an application program and started referring to it as an "operating system component"...
For some strange reason IE 5 runs under Wine... just like an application. So now Linux users can view those obsolete web sites that only allow IE! Microsoft is so generous to give away their browser for free and can now run under other OSes... or are they being generous? Before you get any ideas about installing Microsoft's "free" web browser application under your favorite operating system, you might want to take a look at the IE EULA In part it reads:
"OS components" is referring to the Internet Explorer web browser application. Microsoft forbids you from installing the Windows version of IE under any other OS.
This leads to an interesting problem. Since all new Microsoft apps and even many non-Microsoft apps now require IE, Wine has had to re-implement large chunks of IE and its APIs to enable programs to run "out of the box" without IE. Down with cross-platform software huh?
The DOS emulation has actually been improved since the 9X era, adding several new commands, many of which the same as the Unix counterparts to make managing systems for system admins easier as they don't gotta remember 2 CLS languages.
Oh hell no, Try to run Duke Nukem 2. First of all, no music. Then, the sound has a very annoying clip. Try to run Terminal Velocity. Bad sound & music emulation, again. Try to run Carma Hi-res, oh wait, you can't.
The NT Kernel is by far the best
The best..for Windows.
with abilities that actually allow it to recover from errors
After a reboot.
containing several security rings. These rings allow important system functions to run unhindered, while preventing, possibly malicious ones, from ever even having kernel permissions to do anything. Without these security rings, a virus could simply behave as a wrapper for your kernel, and manipulate its functions to do whatever it pleases.
But you can't modify it. Those are only *options*
I've run Vista on several Desktop machines (Laptops and Vista are Epic fail) and they oftne run faster than the XP counterpart.
No way in hell. XP is faster than Vista in any kind of way.
my Real targetrs to this are Linun fanboys, those that, insist Linux can run on any system, despite the age, insist that Linux is completely safe, and has no unsafe browser integration.
Linux has no browser integration, In fact, how could a kernel have browser integration?
That insist because its open source,
That's a plus.
that its safer (this very idea is mind boggling, because everyone can view and change the code freely, without even hacking, this makes it safer???)
LOL you can not go modify an opensource proyect and then inmediatly release it. Of couse, you can make your own builds, but they wouldn't be oficial releases. That's why Linus Torval supervices all the new stuff that goes into any new release of the Linux kernel
and insist that linux is somehow better than windows and that everyone should use it.
It is, you should give it a try, it's superior in multitasking and software developing.
ou can login, eventually, thats about it, its not useable
I can login and use it. No crash since... ever! The only crash i got was on Wine (How ironic, a Windows emulation layer, seems like they're emulating it good) when I was testing MTM2.
whats the point, MS could prolly do the same thing, but they realize that advertising as such would be foolish
Yeah, they think it was enough with forcing you to install their "free" web browser.
and that the backlash from angery users from a slow system
would be costly
Yes, they had enough with BSOD huh?
The biggest thing I hear is there is no viruses for it, well, maybe because no personal users can figure out linux, thus they use windows, you usually wont get bank cards and password information from people from webservers unless you hijack them, and then thats the webserver applications fault, not the OS. So put simply, this argument is litiritly saying linux is unpopulour.
It is getting popular now, thanks to Windows Vista.
I will relate this, why is my Windows 95 never attacked.... Cause I am prolly one of the only people that still use it, why try and virus attack it?
But you are defending newer versions of windows right? Why don't you install 2003 Server on it, if it's so secure and stable?
The other argument is because Linux isn't always the root administrator, so viruses cannot take control.
What was that command you said, why couldnt you make a runnable program that could just enter that command to the OS then
Beacuse I don't need to. Only "dangerous" programs, like Partition managers are blocked. And you don't need to be an admin to use Nautilus. But if you want to edit some system files you may need to be root user to modificate. And that's what I call safety. Safety is not prompting you everytime you want to copy a file, or run a program.
using API calls, asuming Linux supports message sending, actually take control of the system and click through the windows and do the damage that way.
APIs are the worst part of Windows, since some of them are undocumented, you have to figure it out how's the deal
Already explained this, your file browser is litiritly a web browser window
False, I have already explained, Nautilus is a file explorer not a web browser. Ubuntu has no "integrated browser", they are not that stupid
at least in Windows you are not litiritly running Internet Explorer.
You are running IE. You can even see the "Favorites" menu
Well that just means anyone can easily read the code, find vulnerabilities, and exploit them.
But you have just said that Linux was safer, because no one uses it
at least with windows they have to decompile them, and read through binary instructions
Is that really a plus? Kinda lame, you have to illegaly decompile to learn about how your OS runs your computer.
which hopefully slows them down. But at least a sopen source, it does get updated more frequently.
Yeah, and thank god ubuntu doesn't install you spyware as a "critical update" Windows Vista runs in reduced-functionality mode if found by WGA to be compromised. But what about False positives?
Now if only I could manage to print, I read some instructions for it, but, well, if it were windows it would be hacking, I guess in Linux, its "Programming to make the OS do something the rest of the world could have fixed but didn't"
And the sound thing, that was just a complete *beep*,
Try finding the drivers lol, I never got sound to work after a clean XP install. I just installed ubuntu and the sound works, and my video card was recognized very well.
considering other Distros could detect my sound, heck, evne live CD Linux could, but not Ubuntu, why does this Distro fail?
Considering not even Windows Vista could detect any new hardware, why this, the lastest stable version of Microsoft Windows fail?
It seems a bit stupid to have so many distros, and th eonly way to tell if it will work is to install it.
It's not stupid, is like saying that Why have another POD mounters if we have Cowpod? or Why keep having TXRAW since we have GoldView? Since Linux is free software anyone can come and create their own custom distro, according to its needs
At least Microsoft enforces Windows certification for hardware,
What if your hardware needs a non-signed driver? You're f-up.
Linux should do the same, and the installer for Linux should tell you if your hardware won't work before hand (Windows 95 could even do this, why can't Linux?)
Because you can make it work lol
If it was better, than everyone would use it, that what id like to say, but just like the betamax, VHS won because it was cheaper, but wait, XP costs money, so why does it win? Well, probably because it has the market share, and has been so for a long time...
You have just said it. First Linux was only a programmers' experiment. Now you can find Ubuntu, even newbie can install software on it. And a real operating system, were you are the master, not the company behind it, trying to block your software or even your OS.
Vista isn't a complete POS, it has issues for sure, but nothing that, even out of the box, makes it an unusable machine. Frusterating to Windows powerusers, thats for sure, but to average and, rookie users, it works just fine.
Vista only works for "rookie" users. People like me, need to do thing fast, I don't need another calenadar in my desktop, I don't need a second clock, I can't even read old-fasioned analog clocks very easily anyway, that RSS feed thing isn't going to connect to anything since I'm not configuring IE and cmon, picture viewer? USELESS. and that's just an example.
And even many powerusers have figured it out and are not comfertable with it. I remember how much I hated switching to XP, now I prefer it, and of course, I use VPC to remind me of what we have evolved from.
Microsoft had to release SP2 to be "usable". (My bro had SP1, geez...)
Linux isn't a failure, but, its targeting the wrong markets to ever get a large market share, so far the only people that truely love and swear by it, still have pen protectors and and coke bottle eyeglasses.
Linux is not a business, it's your oportunity to be free.