Good questions.
- I build a truck body by extensively modifing an existing mesh
Hypothetically, somebody could enter a 'converted' mesh that slips past our detection sensors. If the mesh is modified so that even hyper sensors don't pick it up, we'd be helpless to do anything about it. But let's hold this thought a momnet.
- does the scratch-build rule preclude the use of scrapyard parts
Yes it does. However, there's been considerable feedback about intermediate makers. It's still an open topic whether we insert a new category for customs.
- the "bears no resemblance to the original" case
Like above, if it bears no resemblance then unless you were to state where things came from we'd be hard pressed to show what it resembles.
- does the above extend to extraneous parts like requiring wheels and axles to be entirely built (and rexturing the shocks and axlebars and including a custom sound file and making new headlight/brakelight/reverselight textures aaaaaaand *pant pant*...), or can these be modified/taken from somewhere else, since these items are generally overlooked.
It would be the height of silliness to demand somebody make new headlights (especially after we just updated the fixall.pod), but it's a good question that needs to be answered. So, where, in between the truck body and those things handled in the game by default, do we draw the scratch built line? I think we should let common sense guide our thoughts here. A phrase comes to mind: there's little to be gained by re-inventing the wheel. Of course, that logic isn't entirely justified. However, it's a catchy phrase and we can use the idea to help draw an ad hoc line in the sand. So, anything above the wheel (body and its assemblages) must be scratch built; anything below the wheel (shocks, axlebars, sound files) can be stock, tho if you opt for custom they cannot be from a scrapyard. The wheels themselves are the gray area. I'm tempted to say stock or scratch (especially since we have
tiremaker) but I don't think I'll gripe about wheels one way or the other... because if you want to put retreads on your new scratch built machine, then who am I to squawk about it.
- I'll leave it in to maintain the flow of the argument.
A good thing too because you left out a question: - old parts reassembled.
The scenerio goes: I've built ten trucks and for each I built a new part, so now I can assemble all the parts and create a totally new truck. The answer would be yes you can, but not for this expo. The emphasis has always been to create new things. Re-assembling, even your own things, is still from a scrapyard (that just happens to be your own private one). Anything entered to the expo must be made for the expo. Old work is excluded.
One of the reasons for delaying the 'opening' of the expo is to be sure we've considered everything there is to be considered. The aim here is to stir up some fun by creating a few nice trucks (and give legwon new parts for his scrapyard ;-) the aim is not to impose impossible restrictions and to enforce rules on penalty of death. As such, there can hardly be any cheaters. We've never had to disqualify anybody yet and I don't think we'll need to start with this expo. But it's a matter of personal pride and honor. Sure, somebody could conceivably pull one over on us. But who are they kidding? The expo is designed to challenge makers and to do it in such a way that we're all working on the same thing so we can show off our work and compare our creativity with that of others. That's what an expo is. Accordingly, the more entries the more fun. Rules are guidelines only, bend them if you must but we strongly urge people to pick up the challenge and see how they fare.
The only remain question is an intermediate category. Mal?