Hi Sky
I'm still at
phineus@karf.net or now
phineus@mtm2.com >> If you are all wondering who the heck I am
Not really but I
was wondering who the heck that cope guy is, lol. Seriously, tho, look him up - if you can get past locked rooms in the zone or he'll bother to respond to your messages - as he's trying to establish himself as Mr. MTM2... and doing none too shabby at it too.
Anyway, good to see ya. Haven't heard a peep from you since evo beta testing. Glad to see you haven't fallen of any cliffs or anything. And yep, things are humming along here. Sir James hints there's a track on the way, Alpine sent his latest off to zoon for some touch ups, and be sure to check out anything by the slo team and last but not least look up Malibu350's latest work.