Contest?! Me want to play the game too for a while....if work will let me alone.
Anyeay, here's the next installment:
<IMG SRC="" border=0>
So, you see, it is possible to do these things. Also, I found another trick that might help with creating the palette. Rather than do all the filling with solid black, use the opacity setting to give a partial fill. This lets some of the extra color find it's way into the palette. And if you do the drop shadows and effects while those areas are still highlighted, then the selection isn't a problem. To see what I mean, take a look
here </center>
I used a sixty percent opacity setting, but could probably go with as low as forty percent.
By the way, did you notice the rounded fit to the "go" button? I made a template image for the buttons, then used that as the basis for the other pics. But I haven't tried the multiplayer screen yet.
'nuther note, the races screen has an extra doo-dad to it. You have to do the "laps" part as a separate image. Really weird.
- Phineus