I finally got it to use the command line. So you can now set it to be your default player
Also, it now has the save button. That was a lot of work. None of it is my code lol. TY object oriented code heh. Glad I coded FH properly(3 years ago lol), it let me very easily paste in code. There is these huge declarations I've never even seen before to do it. I think I actually use winsock for it or something. Then that save window, the generic one, isn't easy either. Wow, more huge amounts of stuff I've never seen. But I'm told thats how you code in the real world. So, I'm glad I guess. It works perfectly so far. And having the source code means I can modify it if need be, to suit my program better. But so far, as original, its fine. Of course, this is like ultra Beta, the saving message isn't even centred lol. And I want to make it remember where you last saved.
Lastly, I just downloaded code to edit the registry, so I can figure out eventually how to make FH the default player from within FH itself. I think that could be a nice option. Even though in windows XP its pretty easy to change default applications, I think, for the lamen, this will help.
Anyways, I put up the new download, even though its beta, be best to catch errors now while the code is not to cluttered (makes COBOL look short right now, my last COBOL app was 700 lines of code, FH's main window, has 8000 lines of code, try scrolling through that!).
Remember to email me if you guys find errors
or even suggestions
here is direct link to download
http://trevorsarchives.selfip.net/archi ... nstall.exe
For those of you that don't know what FH is. Its a Flash Player program. It plays flash files outside of your browser, and adds plenty of functions to your movies, letting you manipulate them easily. Especially useful for flash developers. But it can just be used to play movies and games aswell. Even websites (although I don't recommend it). It has a favorites list, so you can save your favorite movies and games aswell.