Here's a great way to make textures for any track, any purpose. I discovered this nifty little method while working 'Quality Supercross' To see it in action, check it out at vales.
Ok, first make yourself a 64x64 image in PSP and make it half black, half white by drawing a line from the lower left corner the middle of the right side (64,32). Now just fill in one of the halves:<break>
<center><IMG SRC="" border=0></center><break>
Now load up the two textures that you want to use. For this example, I will use the grass and dirt textures from my straight track "gone fishin'".<break>
<center><IMG SRC="" border=0></center><break>
Now select the fill tool (paint can). In the 'fill type' box, choose 'pattern'. Now click options, and select one of your textures. Fill one half of the square with one texture, and the other half with the other texture. You'll now have something like this:<break>
<center><IMG SRC="" border=0></center><break>
Now, using the retouch tool, blur the edges a bit. Make it look natural

<center><IMG SRC="" border=0></center><break>
Next, make another black and white exactly the same as the first. This time switch around where you put the dirt and grass. Wherever you put the dirt last time, put the grass, and vice versa.
Now load the textures into traxx, and you're set! By mirroring and flipping and rotating, you can make any shape/road imaginable! Be creative! This is how all the texture transitions were made in Quality Supercross and in Gone Fishin'
If only traxx supported this feature

Edit: Fixed pics
[This message has been edited by Phineus (edited 12-03-2001).]