I didnt miss your piont i havent made the spam can yet i meant the unfinished versoin..i have been working on it 4 months DEMOLITION DERBY/THE DEMOLITION RUMBLE were breaks from working on this track because i got little tired and wanted to do some work on something that i thought up in my mind well actually working on TOY TIME when i nean a little while it might be 3-10 days sorry for the confuson ...the v1.1 the version i have done now is 4 BETA testing so i can finsh up on my room bath room and living/game room before i head on to the kitchen then the back yard...ok ill check the models likee my stereo in my room..i found that here..the model cars on my table i found those there(57 chevy,71chevell,corvette,dodge viper,,4x4 tundra i all foulnd here ok ill make shere though im so very very sorry on the confuson....plz check out DEMOLITION DERBY its not my best track but maby youll c how i in creesed in skill using that track(exspeataly with bin models!!)though just so u now i work on my tracks aboout 2-4 hours a day im not a 10 min take a year person(no affense just different styles) hope u have time to check out DEMOLITION DERBY P.S. DEMOLITION DERBY IS NOT DONE...i just im happy u guys replied


about the confosion i scwoowed up
