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 Post subject: SPAM CAN PLEASE
PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2000 9:15 pm 
im working on a track i call "TOY TIME"it shrinks u into a toy and u start in a replica of my room(almost just like it but cant fit closet or multy layer shelf)..any way it has forks nives model cars on my table my bed and more..v1.2 coming soon but v1.2 aint ner the finshed the kitchen of the finished versioni wanted a spam can...what i will do is put forks and nives into it because spam is fun to hate lol(unless your camping) zoon kitchen has a coffe can and if sumone could repaint it into a spam can that would b splended...u can e-mail it to me here at (copy and paste it) i do know how to add models to tracks i download models from this site all the time>> Image this site is GREAT 4 models Image



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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2000 4:44 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 13, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 360
To insert models they must be in your Traxx/models directory and their art files must be in Traxx/art. Once the models you want are in the models box you have to click on the models icon (which is the little tree on the tool bar. Right click the terrain and select "insert" From here you will now see a purple box. Have this box selected and open the Model box. Find the model you want and then select it in the models box. Right below where it says verticies and polygons is the "Apply" button. Press that and you will find the purple box now in the shape of the model selected.



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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2000 6:13 am 

Joined: Mon May 29, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 125
Location: tilburg, netherlands, europe, terra ;-))
fordac_ottobahn wrote:

zoon kitchen has a coffe can and if sumone could repaint it into a spam can that would b splended....

Sorry to say this but using models and repainting it is not the way to go. I sugest you just ask permision to ZooN for using them. If he does not want you to use it: DON'T.

He (or someone else) has put a lot of work in that track/bin and if he wanted all of us to use it he would have made them available.

Please be sure to check everything you use in your tracks to make sure you are allowed to use them.

I'm just telling this because I myself don't like PPL using my stuff just because it's out there. I put most of my stuff on these very pages, unless it's something that I repainted (always with permission) or just to special to share (like some of the bins in my upcomming track. It's not that PPL may not use them but i'll have to be sure the tracks they make are of a certain quality. If I like what they want to do with it, sure you'll get permission, if not NO WAY!

Also if someone uses my available bins from the MTMG site I still want them to give me credit for MY work in a readme file.

To me this is no point of discussion, only use what's made available, don't change things without permision.

If you live by these simple rules you'll have a lot of friends here who are always willing to help. But remember you don't make friends with stealing......

another quote:

(almost just like it but cant fit closet or multy layer shelf)...

yes you can, be creative. Just look at my tracks rondat speedway and visa-versa to look how it's possible.

Learning from other trackmakers, and looking at how they do things and come up with solutions is the best way to evolve as a trackmaker.

Also remember, good tracks aren't made in a few days time, they take a couple of months.

Be patient and go for quality in stead of quantity. It's more satisfying, believe you me ;-)))

Good luck!

[This message has been edited by OOPS (edited 09-06-2000).]

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2000 10:06 am 

Joined: Wed May 10, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 34
I will put my 2cents in on this one also....
I started making tracks awhile ago and have come a long way from where I started. I have also learned how to make and paint bins.

Making a Spam can could be a real easy task if you actually set down and did the work yourself. Also doing it yourself will give you a real sense of accomplishment..

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2000 4:00 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 10, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 64
Location: saline/MI/USA
your right guys
i mean if i repainted it it would give my a sesnce of acomplishment plus i do now how to piant things in psp just not the best(but ive seen much worse then me lol)so ill do that and plz look 4 my track some time soon ive spent tons of work on it

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2000 6:08 am 

Joined: Mon May 29, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 125
Location: tilburg, netherlands, europe, terra ;-))
Plz read my post again cuz I think you missed my point completely............

unless you want to repaint a stock (TRI) model............

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2000 11:33 am 

Joined: Wed May 10, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 34
He also missed my point, so don't feel bad....

I said nothing about "repainting" a bin into a spam can....

I said "making"..... lol

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2000 8:37 pm 

Joined: Sat Jun 10, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 64
Location: saline/MI/USA
I didnt miss your piont i havent made the spam can yet i meant the unfinished versoin..i have been working on it 4 months DEMOLITION DERBY/THE DEMOLITION RUMBLE were breaks from working on this track because i got little tired and wanted to do some work on something that i thought up in my mind well actually working on TOY TIME when i nean a little while it might be 3-10 days sorry for the confuson ...the v1.1 the version i have done now is 4 BETA testing so i can finsh up on my room bath room and living/game room before i head on to the kitchen then the back yard...ok ill check the models likee my stereo in my room..i found that here..the model cars on my table i found those there(57 chevy,71chevell,corvette,dodge viper,,4x4 tundra i all foulnd here ok ill make shere though im so very very sorry on the confuson....plz check out DEMOLITION DERBY its not my best track but maby youll c how i in creesed in skill using that track(exspeataly with bin models!!)though just so u now i work on my tracks aboout 2-4 hours a day im not a 10 min take a year person(no affense just different styles) hope u have time to check out DEMOLITION DERBY P.S. DEMOLITION DERBY IS NOT DONE...i just im happy u guys replied Image sorry Image about the confosion i scwoowed up Image lo



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PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2000 9:56 am 

Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 121
Location: Houston, Texas, USA
well i have to add my 2 cents here also. If someone requests a custom bin most likely you will be directed to the readme files and instructions on how to do it. Thats how I learned that Binedit just didnt cut it for me so I used other progs like Truespace 4 or 3D Studio Max. I also learned that each person has their own "preferences" like you have 3 choices...
1. Feel free to use anything you like
2. Ask my permission or else
3. As Yeastman says, you may not use my stuff in any way, shape or form.

Personally, If I create something you like, I am honered to see it in the doesnt matter if I get credit or not. Others have to see their name in lights and others refuse to share they're "hard work"

I will make this can for you if you do not find anyone willing to repaint one of their models. It can be done in 10 minutes using Truespace or 3D Studio. I do not expect credit or to see my name in lights.

Make your tracks unique. No disrespect intended here but when I race Visa-versa its like Im racing Gollypop, just with a different road. Same textures, same bins, same checkpoints. I am not an expert and maybe should keep quiet, but I have learned that the more you do on your own custom track, the less you have to worry about how many people to credit. good looking forward to seeing it. I have pretty much given up making I just download and see what others are doing.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2000 6:27 am 

Joined: Mon May 29, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 125
Location: tilburg, netherlands, europe, terra ;-))
I just DL the toy time demo from KC's to see what you came up with, and i was shocked to say the least.

It's a nice looking track that shows your talent, however there are two things wrong with it.

1. too many verticies errors gallore, there's an easy fix: delete some models.

2. almost every texture and bin is one i've seen before in ZooN Kitchen, WHERE DID YOU GET THE NERVE TO USE THOSE AFTER THE POSTS ABOVE!!

Sorry For shouting but stealing bins and textures is the worst crime you can do in MTM-land IMHO.

please ask KC to delete the track from his server, or I will.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 9:25 pm 

Joined: Sat Jun 10, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 64
Location: saline/MI/USA
ill fix that and ...i got binedit to work!!!im working on a PICKLE YAY then i can replase the _ZooN_ stuff and whenn illl have 2 make a few more then a pickle Image but any way sorry _ZooN_...IM keeping the mtmG models o how i love my vettes..and chevells and vipers and tungras and 57 chevys and comeros, ....WAIT THERES THAT ERROR ILLL GET RID OF ALL THE ZOON AND MAYBE THAT WILLL FIX IT OOPS;-) sereusly)

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