That is an animated texture. Some time while you are looking at the textures in the traxx texture box you are holding the Ctrl key and clicking other textures. That's how they animate. You will see little white numbers on the textures you click. What you have to do is find the first one and click the little film projector icon in the texture box and then click the button that says "unanimate". I think the easiest way to find the texture you're after is to find it on the road, right click the texture and choose "select". When you look in the texture box, you will see it highlighted in red. If it's the correct one, you'll also see the other white numbers and you can unanimate it. If you don't see the white numbers, you can have a look at the unanimate button anyway, or try one of the textures near to the one you selected, and then select one of those. Please note. You don't unanimate the textures with the numbers. You unanimate the texture that makes them appear.