Ok, I just learnt a few interesting things...
- As I said, I didn't have time to download the new video driver; but I still had the installer for the previously/currently-installed driver. I figured there'd be no harm in reinstalling it and seeing whether I'd get my display properties pages and QuickTweak utilities back...
- I executed the installer; since this was the same version as the currently installed driver, it sought to uninstall it. Ok, I thought, and let it do its thing... immediately after, Windows threw up a message box saying something to the effect of...
System files needed by Windows have been replaced by unrecognised versions. Windows must restore these files to maintain system stability.'Nuts to that', I thought, and clicked cancel...
- After restarting, I ran the installer a second time to reinstall the driver. Again, Windows complained with the same message box (how
dare you tamper with my system files?!). Again, I thought 'Nuts to that'...
- Restart again. Now, check the Display Properties.
Oh look, my GeForce properties pages are back there again
Oh look, my QuickTweak utility is back in the system tray again
I tried running BINedit. Oh look, it comes up properly again - no more invisible window
Earlier that day I'd installed Maya 4.5 Personal Learning Edition, which I'd picked up at the Australian Games Developer Conference last weekend. Unfortunately, the darn thing crashed on startup whenever I tried to run it. Now, after reinstalling the video driver, I tried running it again, and blow me if it wasn't working now too!
What have I learned? It looks like Windows XP Service Pack 1 does a little system refurbishing behind the scenes. Microsoft have a lot to answer for...
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