I discovered these two handy tips today for making rumbles:
1) While trying to position the Checkpoint boxes so that they line up with the rumble pad horizontally, get directly above the pad, and zoom out a bit. Then change the height of the CP box to about 5 or less. This helps make it easy to position. Just resize the height when you've got 'er lined up.
2) To position the CP box exactly even with the surface of the pad: I tried the trick where you raise the terrain to the level of your pad, then set the cp box there, then lower the ground again, but it doesn't usually work for the big cp boxes. So, I came up with a little formula to figure out what you should set the 'above ground' value to. *note... I have only tried this a couple times, and the pad was made from ground boxes*
1) Start with the height of your CP box. For this example we'll use 100.
2) Divide the CP box height by 2. That gives us 50.
3) Add on however high the surface of your pad is above the ground. For example, if you used ground boxes for the pad, and the top surface of the ground box was at 120, and your ground level below it was at 100, then you would add 20. That gives us 70.
4) That's it... 70 is what you should enter in the 'above ground' field for your CP box. It will be exact =)
Hope those help!
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