>>1) Whats a good kind of track for a beginner to make?
Start with a simple oval or square
>>2) What are some good beginners textures?
Any of the stock textures... but C98 is probably best to give you an understanding of how they line up etc..
3) Where do i start?
http://members.xoom.com/GuitarBill.1/traxxla.html Rygon, you said you have downloaded Traxx 1.2, {edit... maybe I'm confusing you with Haccy, anyways get the download here:
http://members.xoom.com/GuitarBill.1/traxx.html when you have learned the basics (it took me 3-4 weeks) THEN come back here and start demanding answers!
I'm expecting your first track to be a killer, don't disappoint me..

Keep on Monster Truckin'
[This message has been edited by EmceeMart (edited 25-05-2000).]