<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Winterkill:
<B>Gogeta, a "ramp" is a special type of ugh ..model that makes for interesting launches when you drive oof.. over one, it's unlike any other placed model or bump in the terra... ow! stop poking already Phin! ...terrain.
Placing ramps is a model trick so go poke yerself or something mr. mod! hmph.</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Another interesting way to use ramps is place them high in the air, anytime a truck drives under them, you are warped up to the ramp, you can really make some long, long jumps when you do this with a truck moving at 100 mph
Realistic? no, Fun? heck ya.
Someone may have done this already, but didn't see it mentioned so I thought I would.
If anyones interested in two mtm1 tracks that use ramps this way.
Go to
http://www.teamnka.org and go to
"nka track makers" then under duuks tracks look for a track called Mud, Sweat, and Gears, then look under Streets Tracks and look for a track called Planet NKA <- this one also uses bins from Terminal Velocity, but since the checkpoint model in mtm2 is invisible, you can't see them.
oh, forgot to mention, to find the ramp used in mud sweat and gears you have to find the shortcut , hehe.
[This message has been edited by Street Grinder (edited 05-10-2000).]