Hey! Has anyone forget me??? Yes I know why, I have been "underground" in my secret underground la-ir (MTM2 LAB). Workin' away with a new track....... Master Stadium History, (this is a not-approved title), what I mean by that is I have a poll for people to answer. What do you think about, Master Stadium History, or Master Stadium 4: Game Over? Also after I finish MS(H,4:GO), I will be working on Monster Truck Motocross Lv.4. I know everybody has been asking me, Where is MTML.4. Well I'm still alive, just busy, also my birthday is coming soon. I hope to release MS (H,4:GO) before that. If not, it will be released soon.
Master_Ganon05 (Master G)
P.S. this poll will last for 15 days, k?