When my wife and I watch movies we always rate them at the end using a scale of 1 to 10. I think I'll start doing that from here on in. Just so things are crystal clear, however, my rating is purely subjective. What I think is fabulous someone else may counter with a "merely average at best" rating...just like in the movies!
As far as Rodent Run is concerned, let me begin by saying I'm very impressed! I love how the track flows, and he's got a few tricky little turns and angles in there to keep racers on their toes. Not a hard track by any means, but uh...it ain't no Breakneck Ridge, either! There are plenty of places to pass with relative ease provided other racers miscalculate the sharpness of a corner or miscues in an attempt to negotiate one of several semi-treacherous angles on this track. But lead changes and slight bumping and banging is my definition of a good race, and this track will definitely provide plenty of those!
The only objective comments worth noting in my opinion (and this is from a racer's point of view) is the lack of a few barriers in certain spots where side-by-side racing will cause someone to go off the side where the angle shifts in the road. There's a nice fence around a curve in between checkpoints 5 & 6, but it's really not needed since the width of the road there would easily accommodate up to 3 trucks sliding around in unison. The lack of barriers are not a major issue, however. Knowing the track, employing the use of proper positioning...and "patience", will pay dividends on this baby!!
The other thing that jumped out at me immediately was the dark texture used for the road. Initially I ran this track with normal room lighting, but later that night I set the dimmer switch to low, and was able to make out the road much easier. In truth, the only difficult areas where visibility is concerned are in the beginning stages of the track. Still, some of you with very old monitors may want to try different room light settings and brightness/contrast variations on your monitor to increase your visibility of the road.
On the whole those things are minor compared to the overall product Mouse has put out. I for one like this track a lot, and I'll be putting it up on the SLO website as soon as I'm done here! I've seen a lot of "first tracks", but this one has the look, feel, and "handling characteristics" of an old pro in many ways. Excellent job, bud!!! On a scale of 1 to 10 I'd say this one is a solid 8!!
Mouse, I sure hope this isn't your last project, guy. After sampling this one, I'm very much looking forward to seeing what's next from you!! Again, very nicely done!!!
[This message has been edited by SLO_COPE (edited 30-12-2001).]