Hey guys,
Thanks for all the comments, I'm really glad that people are still able to enjoy the work I did in here. I actually did have this for about a year, and out of the blue I just decided to release it haha.
The textures were fun to make, and if you seek advice, mine is just to screw around with many colors and filters in photoshop/paintshop. You'll come up with something
I did each of these textures about 4 times before I liked them. And for the note, Rudee made the ice texture, the first texture on the track. I never expected to get 250 of them. Keep enjoying the track!
I don't know if I will ever be doing more mtm2 tracks, but you never know. Mtm2 is becoming pretty old, but I do it for the thrill of going back to my old favorite. Lets hope
When I got mtm2 I was 12 years old and I found it by accident on a warez site actually, and then I found traxx and produced what everyone does their first time, a newbie track. I don't really need to say all this stuff, but I just did since I like remembering my first mtm2 days, I just loved editing these things. Palm islands was a big one, then the one I made with my good friend zoon, but then a year went by where I lost track of mtm2, but only to release a track a year later and find the mtm2 community still in existance. I'm glad for that
Ryan Brucks