<IMG SRC="http://malibuco.hostme.com/images_mtmg/SlippinAndSlidin_sm.jpg" border=0>
Circut: 2:40 lap times (approx)
Very good track, not slippery at all.. nice n tight road racing with tons of well placed turns and obsticles.
the comp trucks do very well but "occasionally" get hung up on a bridge around cp3.
the only drawback here is the abundance of models so set the game to sparce and stay away from the custom trucks.
cool sound track too, i have no idea who it is but i like it
side note: if you turn the "reflections" off under graphics the back drop looks much better..
<IMG SRC="http://home.earthlink.net/~richathr/ratlogo10x10.gif" border=0>