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 Post subject: Super Scrapyard by Viking Wylan
PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2000 9:57 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 01, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 31
reprint of the contest review:

Probably best if you're into the off-road thing rather than flat-out racing.

Some extreme angles make the track look dangerous, and it is. Lots of trouble everywhere. It keeps you on your toes with a few quick turns and a couple of areas where you must watch your speed. Having to remember the turns and jumps coming up, gives the track some good replay value. At first it seems undriveable, but with some effort you will find a challenging racing line that will keep you wanting another lap to try and get it just right.

This track makes good use of the original contest track -- in the true spirit of our unique competition. Next to the heavy use of custom textures, the stock textures here laid over mont gris appear, at first, rather barren. But the theme (a stark industrial theme - a quarry - which is underscored by those same textures) is a good one and consistent thoughout. The objects (bus, loader, cargo containers, oil rigs) lend themselves well to the sense of ruggedness, and the tire checkpoints and mtm1 backdrop fit right in. This is hard country and very appropriately there are no soft spots in the track -- tumbleweed flats it ain't, nor is it meant to be.

One thing that could be called a flaw is the rough terrain (eg. some spots on the road and the 'truck trap' going up the hill to checkpoint 10). Looking closely it seems like elevation edits gone astray. Then again it could be argued that this is in keeping with the theme. Also, some of the texturing is as rough as the terrain - there are straight edges along the sides of the road, and cliffs etc. A bit more attention to detail there would polish it up quite a bit.

Also, let's note that the tunnel leading off to an area not on the track's main course gives the track an exploritory value, which is part of what makes MTM2 the great game it is.

This track is a good single player challenge. Adding a few places for passing opportunities would be something to consider on the next track to make multiplayer racing more fun. Luckily on this track, there are plenty of opportunities for the guy in front of you to screw up hehe. It's an excellent example of "track vs. driver". No shorts and a tight course layout keep you intense, and, who could deny it, this guy knows which side his bread is buttered on ;-)

Overall, a good effort. A fun track to run.

Try it if you haven't already

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