Oh, okay, I started all this with enocell's tracks, so I might as well give a few notes on them. So here goes.
All tracks feature good course layout and good-to-excellent terrain work. If I mention a stock textures in the description, it is only as the base set; enocell has used tons of custom textures of his own - though there are spots that could benefit from some tweaking of the alignment.
As I've already said I'm not a fan of slippery textures, so here's a breakdown that begins with the textures as a way of distinguishing these tracks from one another. But please, just cuz I don't like slipperiness (in tracks) doesn't mean they are poorly done. Far from it.
Slippery texture (throttle back)
- <big>Flourescent Pass</big>, c98 dirt and road and more
- <big>Hillbilly Deluxe</big>, scrapyard textures, nice course
- <big>Lodge</big>, a cross between cayo borracho and cnr 005, but again can be slippery
- <big>Mojo Boogie</big>, some good models in this one
- <big>Stereo Valley</big>, scrap yard textures and can be really fun because there are a lot of decoy roads to lure you off course ... if you haven't slipped off already
- <big>Alkali Flats</big>, nice long rally
- <big>Floating Point Pass</big>, good textures, nice forest effects, but with a bit of lag and some shine through models
- <big>Murky Water Junction</big>, looks good but laggy in spots
Now we're picking up...
- <big>Ass Groove</big>, I hate the name but it was one of my favs
- <big>Get On</big>, good scenery, the track is good, custom music accounts for the zip size, note it has a dusk weather mask
- <big>Hip Cat Junction</big>, very tinhorn, could be laggy on some comps
- <big>Schmuck Road 32</big>, farm road textures and some good straights for speed
- <big>Spittle County</big>, farm road textures, this is the one with the Bloated Liver Bar
- <big>Weevilville</big>, one of the shorter circuits with a highway that has opportuntiy to mix and mingle with traffic.
That's extremely brief and cannot possibly do justice to the time and effort enocell has put into these tracks. But, extensive desciptions for fourteen tracks is more than I can do right now. If you try out any of these, please come back and let us know what you found.