Hey ROOB! Alpine here
I remember contacting you to ask about revamping that GGR2 track and man, I had that baby retouched to the best I could get it. I even had a few custom transition textures so it would be perfecto. The terrain was just about as perfect as you could ever imagine, and I think the only part I didn't texture was underwater. Later, I sent it to GyverX for some additional work, and somewhere along the line, we goofed up and lost it. If you coulda seen that thing, you'd have literally gasped! Time and time again, I'd ask him for the track, and he'd find it laying around on a HD or something, but
We never did get it posted anywhere. Sucks too, cuzz that was gonna be the Cops N Robbers version that would have topped just about anything created for that game
Well maybe... GyverX did do some awesome sewer work on that one he made
Anyways - good ta see you found your way to this message board and hope ta catch up with you again sometime. Infact, you should send me an email or something and we can catch up on some old times or somethin. My info:
alpine13@webtv.net http://members.xoom.com/gzeroHope ta hear from ya soon!