Track - OLD Forest Ridge
Type - Circuit
An all-custom rampage through cottage country. This track features dark wide roads that take you through a rolling-hill forest where you'll find plenty of trees growing on bright green turf. You'll dip in the river on the low end and climb hills and cross a bridge in the higher ground. And in addition to the new forested backdrop, you'll see some of the finest custom cottages ever made for mtm2. This is definitely a race course since you pass double tiered grandstands along the way. And racing is what this track is all about. The road varies across it's width which makes finding the fastest race line a challenge as your on-line opponents vie to gain the edge on you. Great fun on-line. Available at
Nickster's Site and now at
KC's too. Give it a try.
[This message has been edited by Phineus (edited 29-10-2000).]