Step by Step instructions for installing BattleHQ Client for MTM2


1.      Download Battle HQ here:

a.      Proceed to step 2

2.      As it is downloading go to the link below and sign up for an account:

a.      Use a Valid E-mail address because they will E-mail you a password (Details to follow later on how to change this)

b.      When you choose a login name you can not use underscores

c.       Proceed to step 3

 EXAMPLE: VTR Thunder not VTR_Thunder a space instead.


3.      Once you get the E-mail from BattleLeagues Admin Subject line will say BattleLeagues : New User Created

a.      Take the password they give you and go here:

b.      Login with your user name and the password they provided you

c.       On left you will see Modify Account go there and delete the Password field and insert your own unique password and click Modify my account at the bottom

d.      Close all your web pages

e.       Proceed to Step 4

4.      Now  find the Battle HQ Client.exe file you downloaded

a.      Install the software

b.      At some point either at login or while installing you will be asked to select from a list of lobbies.

c.       Choose the MTM2 Lobby (Optional Main Lobby) but not needed

d.      Proceed to step 5

5.      Now find the Battle HQ shortcut on your desktop

a.      Double click it

b.      Log In

c.       At the top of the screen click configure then configure again

d.      In the Center of the screen put a dot in where is it says UseDirectPlay

e.      Now make sure to the right of that it says Monster Truck Madness 2

f.        Click OK

g.      Proceed to step 6

6.      To Join a game

a.      See Rooms on bottom left

b.      Double click to join

c.       When the game launches it will display a Resume message that is normal do not bother it

d.      If the game is in progress you can not join the room

e.      Right click on the room and click join game in progress

f.        Proceed to step 7

7.      To Leave a game

a.      Leave as normal from the game

b.      Click resume

c.       Click leave room at top left of screen

d.      Proceed to step 8

8.      To Host a game

a.      Click create room at top left

b.      There will be several options of your choosing

c.       Once others are in the room simply click Launch at top left of screen

d.      Proceed to step 9

9.      To Close a game

a.      Close the game as normal

b.      Click resume

c.       Click Destroy Room at the top left of screen


Notes: If someone AV’s out there is no need to go back for them. They simply need to go back and resume and then leave the room and then right click on the room again and join game in progress.

 Check out the great Organized online MTM2 racing at

